Need object to spin when a rigid body hits it, please help

I am working on a project where I need a fixed object to spin only when a rigid body hits it but can not find any tutorials online. I am struggling with getting rigid bodies to interact with objects that they come into contact with other than having them bounce off of it. Instead of simply colliding with the object, I want to make the ball make the fan spin so that it can continue on its path and then have the fan object stop spinning (rather than having a continuously spinning fan that the ball interacts with.

I hope this was a clear enough explanation, thank you in advance!

Hi Jack_Ward,

did you try Rigid Body Constraints?


i explain the hinge constraint to and i hope you can then build your animation as you want to.

hinge contraint

So here created 3 rigid bodies:

Cube: active
Small cylinder: passive
Big cylinder: active

Select the small cylinder, Shift select the big cylinder → object rigid body → connect → choose hinge

Rotation of the hinge just about the z axis, so maybe you have to rotate the empty and place it to the right location.

hinge example.blend (967.3 KB)


Thanks for your help!

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