Hello, my name is Ryan Montgomery, pen name Clarus Nox. I am an unpublished author with many stories to write and am currently working towards turning one of my books into a web series. I do not really have any ‘qualifications’ that I can physically offer, aside from my word of having been writing for almost 7 years. I have been working on Catalyst for some what of a year. I have been searching for other talented individuals to aid me in this endeavor and have come up with 4 voice actors, 2 concept artists(who’ve had to withdraw due to schooling), and 1 animator. I am new to the field of producing and animating in general but I plan to see this project through to its completion no matter how long that may be. I currently do not have any commitments to divert my attentions from Catalyst, such as schooling or an occupation, thus I will be able to dedicate my attention primarily towards the project.
Catalyst will be an small animated web series consisting of at minimum 13 episodes approximately 5 minutes each. (and a possibility of a second season of similar length)(this is subject to change; most likely becoming bigger rather than smaller)
Catalyst will be primarily an post-apocalyptic fantasy, action, suspense show set in a colonial-esque time period.
Currently we are in need of more 3D animators, organic modelers, and concept artists with experience in 3D models, location concepts, and creature concepts.
I am the author of the story and will be writing the scenes and scripts and be looking for advice and critique from my team to ensure the best quality as possible.
Anyone and everyone who works in the team, be it briefly or until the end, will be given their full share of credit for their work that they contribute to Catalyst.
As it stand Catalyst is currently a non-profit project, however should the project actually turn a profit, all contributing persons will receive an even cut of said profit.
I can be reached at my email, [email protected] or my skype, kura.nonapplicable, both of which I check multiple times daily. A skype is not mandatory but would make group discussion go more smoothly.
Some images below are from the previous concept artists who were working with the team for those interested;
Below is the first chapter I wrote and pitched to those currently on the project.
The sun began toset and church bells echoed marking the strike of the hour. The skywas clear and bright stained with many mixes of red, orange, pink,purple and dark blue opposite of the setting sun. Star barelybecoming visible on the horizon of the rising moon.
“Aw,it’s that late already?”, whined a little girl of the age of 8years.
“My mom says that time goes faster when you’re havingfun, guess we should all head home now.” said a boy of the age of10 years.
“It’s alrightwe’ll play again tomorrow,” a small girl named Rosalinda saidcheerily, “Bye everyone!” she exclaimed as she ran off towardshome waving farewell.
As Rosalinda entersher home someone suddenly picks her up from behind. Feeling an oddsensation on her sides she begins laughing and exclaims, “St-stopit that tickles papa… heha hahaha”
Setting her downhe asks, “Playing with your friends again?”
Rosalinda nodswhilst smiling, “We had a lot of… fun… papa?” Her father facesuddenly looked pale as he stared out a window. As Rosalinda turned tolook behind her she saw what it was briefly; a giant flaming rock wasfalling from the sky. Before she had fully turned around the meteorimpacted the city causing massive shock waves that reached her house,shattering the windows and knocking her and her father over.
“Come with me,now!” her father exclaims as he pulls her hand and runs to the backof the house. He leads her into the kitchen and pulls open a doorinside the floor and lowers Rosalinda down. “Stay here, it isn’t safeto leave right now.”
Rosalinda’s fatherthen closes the trap door and runs off. As she sits in the hole shecan hear screams and the sound of buildings crumbling. Unable to sitthere any longer she tries to push open the door but it doesn’tbudge. She bangs on it with her fist trying to get it open and aspark comes from her hand causing the door to jump partially open.
Using all herstrength she forces it open just enough to slip out. As she looksaround the house is almost completely in ruin and an odd stenchpermeates the area, hinting kind of like iron but she is unable tolocate the source. Rosalinda then walks out to her home’s front yardand looks at the city.
The sun has fullyset, and yet, the entire city was fully alight. The sky had beensmeared with black smoke obscuring the stars and moon. The city was astained with many shades of reds, yellows, and oranges and all theremains of the buildings seems black as cast iron as thoughthoroughly burnt. The screaming she once heard was nowhere to befound. Rosalinda’s ears were only greeted by the viscous roars of theflames devouring the city.
As Rosalinda beganwalking the streets she continued to see nobody, but the pungentsmell of iron still stood strong all around her. Part of her wascurious as to what could make such a smell but she couldn’t locate anorigin, so she continued further down the path.
As she reachedthe meteorite site she froze; she saw them. She saw one of herfriends, the 8 year old girl who she had been playing with like anyother day just a mere hour ago. She saw her friend being held by somekind of creature with four arms, using one of it’s arms it piercedher chest and then forced open her mouth as it forced a worm likecreature down her throat. The girl’s body spasm and convulsed as thecreature slithered its way down her throat and then went limp.
Horrified by thesite Rosalinda turned to run but immediately crashed into somethinghard knocking her over. As she looked up she saw a monstrous creaturewith four arms, covered in scales. It was slim and sleek yet thickand muscular. Rosalinda was then picked up by the creature as it heldsome fire red crystalline sliver in its hand, it then pointed the tipof the crystal at her heart and forced it in. Letting out a screamshe tried to shake herself loose from the creature’s grasp but itproved futile. Using two of its hands the creature forced Rosalinda’smouth open as a worm like creature came from the creature holding hermouth.
Suddenly therewas a loud shriek and Rosalinda hit the ground on her side. From herpoint of view she could see the creature ablaze and writhing on theground, the worm having already burnt to a crisp by the suddenhellfire.
Rosalinda wanted tostand, to run, but she was unable to lift even a finger. She couldhear loud bangs as gun fire rang out and more shrieks as herconsciousness faded in and out. The next thing she knew she was beingcarried.
“Have you wokenup?”, Rosalinda’s father asked as he laid her down. They were nolonger in the city but a forested area now. There was no roar of firenor any smell of iron, just crisp air and fresh water from themorning dew.
Rosalinda tried tosit up but immediately fell to her side clutching her chest in pain,she felt hot as though she were on fire and then something happened.A yell, a roar, a thump and then crackling. The yell was her fatherat the sudden event. The roar was a sudden flash fire engulfing theentire area. The thump was the now burnt corpse of her fathercollapsing to the ground. And the crackling the once crisp and freshforest around now ablaze and burning. As she look on at what used tobe her father the smell of iron reached her again, she then for thefirst time realized what it was: blood.