I want to keep doing 3D, and program and make a game. But I just get so bored with it. Sometimes it great, but a lot of the time it’s grueling. But I still want to do it and achieve some goals. Anyone know what to do?
If you’re bored and don’t enjoy it, why do you still want to do it? Goals can change, and that’s okay
Try to enlist some help. Trying to do it all yourself is NEVER an easy task. Trust me, I should know. I’ve been working on my project for 8 years until I had a little help. Make a list of what you need to do and focus on working on that part one day at a time. Also, try and develop your own personal workflow and maybe it will make things easier.
I guess because I want to make some stories or games and I’ve always had a problem with sticking to things.
Is what we all encounter… yet few persevere.
Just shows if a person is able to stand it & follow it through even in hard times.
As is just a mental challenge, personal psychological barrier… of so called boredom - lack of strength to imagine, strive, love, help, stay true… keep calm, be patient.
Perseverance. Highly valued & appreciated virtue of any being.
Alright, so the first thing you need to do, since you have an idea already, create a script. This will act as a guideline to help you progress along. Next, write down what the character(s) will look like and how will they act. Next, create the characters first, then the environment settings. You can deal with the logistics and the gaming process later down the road if you are still going for the game creation route.
Planning is key before you take the journey.
Yeah, I’ve started those things, but I guess I’ll just have to persevere like burnin said.
There’s no magic bullet. It’s either something you want to do or it isn’t. If it’s a personal project there’s no requirements on you that aren’t placed there by yourself. Focus can suffer as a result of that of course. Because there’s no outside pressure.
Boredom is common place when you take on anything with a very broad scope. I think that stems from the fact that there’s little return from time invested, in the short term.
Try creating achievable goals to build up confidence. Getting something small finished may seem insignificant, but it does give you a boost knowing you saw something through to completion.
This is something all struggle with, myself included, a metric ton of it in fact. Perhaps not boredom, but feeling like I am not getting anywhere, having too ambitious large scopes.
The most effective way to fight it and keep going is to break it all down into smaller tasks and steps, make each task something you can complete in a day or two, and once it is done, check it off in a checklist (trello is great for this by the way).
That way you turn the feeling of dread into something positive, every time you check something off that list you will get a sense of accomplishment and thus you have much more energy to keep going until the project is finished.
Another great tip is to post everything you do around on social media, forums, blog etc, that way you can hold yourself accountable so you actually complete various tasks.
Also have a read on this: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/featured/thirteen-tricks-to-motivate-yourself.html
Not all of those tips will work for everyone for sure, but some might, the one that works for me is just to start, just ignore everything I feel and just start doing. This works for anything in life really, for me at least. Dread having to do the dishes? Just start dishing without thinking about the dread, and voila, you are done and you feel great about yourself for having done that.
Checklists, small stickynotes plastered all over my table and monitor, whiteboard etc. All these things motivate me to keep going, because I know I will feel very happy about myself when I finally get to throw one away or erase it on my whiteboard, it even renews my energy.
you’ll ruin something you like doing by forcing yourself to do it. just put blender down and pick it up again when you’re interested.
I’ve had it explained to me like this in the past: It’s a question of discomfort. When it comes to working on any project, you’re going to be uncomfortable. There are two primary sources of “pain”:
- The tedious act of working
- The possibility that your project will never be completed
Whichever source of pain is greater wins. That is, if it bothers you that your project might not ever get done, then you’ll put in the effort to make it happen. But if you find that effort is more trouble than it’s worth to get the project done, then you’ll simply quit.
The key to getting a project done is in convincing yourself that the second option (not finishing) is more uncomfortable than the first.
Start doing some dailies here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Daily3D/ and have fun…
And the best way I found to cure the “bored thing”, is to find/meet people that do and love the same stuff that you do… (which is hard sometimes)…
Good luck…
going on for 10 years as a developer, coding daily (web) and doing c++ , c# as an hobby (openframeworks, unity3d, unreal engine) and besides that doing blender whenever I am at home, and some stuff for work.
if you gonna code! the single best advice I can give not to feel bored is to continue to config your setup. I myself love sublime text and I now and then install new packages, themes.
Small changes to the day to day tools, small automations, new workflows. Stuff like that can get you from bored to creative flows in a jiffy.
also trying out new coding languages or frameworks are fun!
but the second best thing is to take something from A-B and plow through the tedious parts, but it’s then you get really drilled and efficient at what you do.
when I get bored in blender i sometimes work on my theme.
Wow, there’s so much good advice here. I’m gonna have to write it all down somewhere.
Thank you very much guys.
Try getting out of the abstract. Talk about the actual details of your idea. If Blender forums are not the right audience, go chat about it on gamedev forums. Explaining to others why you idea excites you will get you fired up and help figure out details.
Sometimes time away from 3D can be good. If you find yourself spending the majority of your time working on assets etc and its really boring you, then you should really take a short break from it, before you start to hate the idea of turning on the P.C and getting to work on your assets.
I had the exact same issue a few months back, i was starting to feel a disheartened with the whole aspect of 3D, it all started to feel agonisingly tedious, and i blame it on spending ALL of my time on the p.c trying to force myself to keep going, telling myself i needed to just keep at it and the feelings would eventually subside and the enjoyment would arise again, but that wasn’t the case.
So i decided to take a break from doing anything 3D related at all for about 2 weeks, and after about a week, i found that i was starting to crave 3D, longing to jump back into blender and get working, I started getting all sorts of inspiration and ideas more and more… When i actually got back onto working with 3D, i found it to start feeling fun again, i was enjoying learning new things and starting new projects…
The break i took definatley refreshed my mind, as @Keseyrage mentioned earlier, Too much of what you love can sometimes ruin it for you
Try to watch a movie or play a game for inspiration. Try to find people with similar interests and form a team, me included.
5 years ago i wanted to animations. Still nothing to show. I was getting 1-6months breaks here and there, switched to arch viz, it was was okay for a year, but could not think of single thing to do, only photo copy.
Now i switched to sculpting, started learning to draw, and there is a big list of what i actualy want to do, and there is no question “what to do now”, since i actualy enjoy it. I show results a lot less to public, since someones compliment just isnt needed to keep me going.
There are also youtubers like Sycra, sinex, Ahmed Aldori, cubebrush who talk time to time about struggles in their field, and how they deal with it.
i know i’m a little late to chime in but enlist in the army.
It sounds a bit strange to me. Feels like my daugther is talking “Yes I like having a vocal coach”, but then doesn’t really do her homework. But it could be me; I remember I was bored just two times in my live. For the rest I can’t barely sleep, because I have to many interests and hobbies. Being bored is not in my vocabulary. So why is it grueling ? You mean finding out how things are working? Or lacking inspiration? Or is it “I’d like to make games but it is to much work”?
In my point of vieuw; if you find it grueling, you don’t like it. But as I said I might have another personality or view.