Need some help texturing my first ever model

Hey so I made this:

And when I try and UV unwrap it I get this terrible looking map:

Is there a trick to marking seams or a more efficient way of texturing an object like this?
Thanks in advance

I suggest using procedural materials, instead of texturing the obect.

For convenience, check out for uv wrapping tutorials. For texturing, unwrapping is must.

It can be helpful to add seams before a model gets too much geometry - not always practical, but if it can be done, then can save a lot of trouble.

When looking at position seems, imagine you’re cutting it up with a pair of scissors; then ask yourself, is this a logical place for a seam? Is it a good place? Sometimes there can be artefacts where seems are due to the textures having competing colours.

For example, if you were unwrapping a head, you wouldn’t have a seam running across the front of the face if it can be better placed, behind the ears, or at the back of the head where the hair covers it.

Thanks for the help guys. I took your advice writers block and added the seams before adding the subdivision surface mod and I came out with a perfectly good UV map.

However I have another problem now when I switch to texture painting mode.

This is the model in object mode

But when I switch it to texture paint mode it removes some of the faces from view, thus being very problematic for texture painting.

Any ideas on how to fix this? Thanks in advance