Need someone to model/animate this Backrooms monster for my game

Looks good I think the only thing he needs is just a balloon and thats it

But if you want him to hold balloon in game, while moving, you need to do it ingame I think. Balloon isn’t a part of himself, it’s separate object. Also I’ve added a bit more of fresh blood.

I think I have to attached the balloon to the model to make it move with the partygoer. The partygoer also looks amazing just imagine going in a dark room and seeing that. Also I would like to download the model and here the discord server

I am making a game and I need a animator for my game. My game is about the backrooms and I need some to animate this backrooms entity that my entity modeler made. if you are interested to animate the monster I send the entity and send it back to me when your finished

I need a idle , walking , running and jump scare animation. If someone make this you will be credited for my game