Need to chanage the programming language of my site

Hi, I run a tech blog site and it is PHB based website. I dont know if this possible or not, I am just asking you all.

I want to change the programming language of my site from PHP to Python. Is it anyhow possible? Here is my website. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Sure it’s possible. Use Django and Flask

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Thank you @joseph, if you kindly suggest in detail, it would be helpful for me.

Go to YouTube, type in “python website tutorial with Django”, watch videos, implement

If you want a detailed write up of the processes, I can do that, but not for free, I’d be happy to invoice you an hourly rate if you need more than what you can find on YouTube

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Depending on the size of your codebase this endeavour might take hundreds if not thousands of man-hours to achieve, with no noticeable impact on the end-user experience. You didn’t really explain why you wanted to change the programming language, maybe some insight into your reasoning would help us help you ?

BTW this doesn’t look like it is related to Blender.


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