Need to find resources of equations in engine RPM part

Look at it as mathematics… To see how much of X a value of Y represents, take Y and divide it by X. To get that as a percentage, multiply that by 100.

Thank you so much, I got it :smiley:

Here’s what I have so far

Using RPM of one wheel for the sound

OK! When we return to my question - has anybody found something deeper or something where I can read smooth explanation of whole engine, how it works etc.?

A detail by detail and including the numbers releated stuff. This is first thing I can think of which would help me.

Unless somebody knows how to do it?

Or maybe you know a programer who works for games like Forza, Need for Speed, Gran Turismo etc. and who has access to their source code and can tell how they do it?

Here’s a useful article

Thanks! I think that I can manage some time to read it and maybe they’ll even tell me how to make a car setup? Maybe even I will have a resulting of my own vehicle wrapper system?

Fdrag = -Cdrag * V * |V|

What does the |V| mean?

Rolling resistance

As far as I know, Blender Bullet and Vehicle Wrapper has them already:)

(the, not sure if it is inverse of rolling resistance or equal to it).

Traction - is it grip and radius dependent in vehicle wrapper or should this also be set manually?

The acceleration of the car is determined by the net force on the car and thecar’s mass via Newton’s second law.a = F / M (3-6)The car’s velocity is determined by integrating the acceleration over timeusing the numerical method for numerical integration.Vnew = V + dt * a (3-7)Where dt is the time increment in seconds between subsequent calls on thephysics engine.The car’s position is in turn determined by integrating the velocity over time.Pnew = P + dt * v (3-8)

Is this far done automaticly in Blender if I do applyEngineForce?

The angular velocity of the engine in rad/s is obtained by multiplyingthe engine turnover rate by 2π and dividing by 60.ωe = 2π Ωe / 60

How is the OMEAGA e obtained in game? What is the turnover rate at all?

You needn’t implement all of these features yourself if Blender implements them, though you could forgo the vehicle wrapper and do it all by hand if things didn’t work out.

The drag equation is similar to the one you already have. It would have a different drag coefficient because it packs in the other variables I mentioned to you (like A, p). |V| means the modulus of V, or the length.

Yes, bullet does the integration for you.

If we assume that the tires roll on the ground without slipping, thetranslational velocity of the car can be related to the engine turnover rate asfollows.V = rwωw = rw * 2π Ωe / (60gkG) (4-4)

Where is rw obtained?

If it is possible and not difficult and if I manage to make this all stuff right I may update the Blender vehicle wrapper(without removing current features, just adding alternate options) by adding torque based engine and transmission setup to it:)

Or just make tutorials.

However, I need to know which of theese equations exactly are not needed and are already provided by current vehicle wrapper…

ωe = 2π Ωe / 60

I expect this to be equation for engine RPM, but how do I get the Ωe? It is not explained there. Again - one of the most important things that I have no even the most microscopical or string-based knowledge. I just have no idea how to get that value!

I suggest that you read the english;

w is the angular velocity,
omega is the turnover rate (rpm).

You can infer this because you divide by 60 (a conversion often used from minutes to seconds) and because w is radians/second

But there is nowhere said how do I get the turnover rate… Nowhere at all. And that is the thing I don’t know how to get…

See chapter 6… or infer it from the velocity equation.

rpm = (v * 60 * gear_ratio * drive_ratio) / (2 * pi * radius_wheel)

In the chapter 6 the first thing is meant:

velX = car.localLinearVelocity(0)
velY = car.localLinearVelocity(1)

am I right?

Yes, indeed you are.

OK! When I read the cornering part, I expect the bullet vehicle wrapper to have it as it has sort of stuff like stiffnes, compression in it…