Need to find resources of equations in engine RPM part

What is rw value?

Again, it’s in the paper- wheel radius.

I decided to show the mess because I feel very confused now in it myself…

Maybe you can tell me why is it very wrong and firstly - why does the script get applied only when I hold down “right”(D key)?

  1. velX is the x velocity, but in this paper, vx is the linear velocity (because they use Z for the other value, come arbitrary convention). Update your RPM calculation to use speedY
  2. You are forcing RPM as an integer. This doesn’t make sense - RPM is a real world value, and unlikely to be exactly an integer. The problem with flooring it like this is that gradual RPM increases cannot happen.

These changes should fix things.

Now the RPM raise imeadiately. And I have no speed limit per gear…

Let’s resolve this over IRC

@agoose77, about the .blend you made:
it appears to work fine, but the curve of the torques(MAX_TORQUE) is pretty decent, like theese medium sport cars has got, but the car is acting with low acceleration. What may be the reason? Also it appears that in higher speeds the maximum speed gets lower not higher…

It could be that the drag coefficient is incorrect. I chose an arbitrary value. This will affect how effectively the gears can improve the speed.