Hi people.
Second big exercise for me on Blender. This time a reproduction of a building near I live in my little town of Châtel-Saint-Denis.
No textures, no colors, only modeling for now. Not sure if I want to go for textures one day, but how it looks now is fine.
Material: simple white except for walls with a little bump noise texture.
Lightning: main lamp sun; I add 2 area lamps to simulate the light coming from the blue sky (enviro light did’nt make that perfectly); and enviro light with the procedural skytexture.
Are you planning on doing more buildings? It would be fun to see a scene made out of this
Huhuuu nice idea but take a lot of time. I didn’t mention that it took me 16 days, 10 hrs/day of work on this. But you’re right, it would be very nice to model the entire area (here on google map).
The building is on a traffic roundabout with some nice buildings, many not so detailed that the one I did.
Thx Rakesh.
Yes, rendered in Cycles. I use a small part of enviro lightning, and a bigger part of area lamps near each side of building. (Picture below)
I observed that in real life, the sky act as a big blue (low saturation) lamp that projects smooth (but visible) shadows. Enviro lightning tends to illuminate in every direction, and that’s the problem. In shadows, main light comes from skylight (up to down), so I add manually area lamps to simulate this.
- For me a general rule is: use Blender cycles render environment lightning, turn it down a little bit and add mnually some area lamps to enhance specific parts that needs more/less light or more/less reflections. Like i did here:
To match real photography (picture’s up), because renderer cannot simulate perfectly real light behavior, we need to use our human skills to get closer to reality. Human is still important, ouch lucky us. =)
hi Edward, you have a nice modeling there, I love the balcony handrail and the windows look really good.
I got a question, did you place the roof tiles with an array modifier?, or you did you place every single tile per hand?
Did you place the roof tiles with an array modifier?, or you did you place every single tile per hand?
Thx Mex!
Array or by hand? I’m not so masochistic =) Perfectionist maybe, but not too mad… Array, yes, of 2 rows of 4 tiles (because of a the small piece every 4 tiles and the shift between rows).
I use array to cover all the roof surface, on each side, resulting a lot of tiles exceeding around. Next: array aplied. Then I manually remove tiles (some must be cut in half), that’s the manual part, so you’re question is pretty fair.
Danke für Frage!