Neon war

So I have been making a game it is turning out quite nicely, and the difference between this project and my other projects is that I really want to finish it. So here are some screens.

Please comment and tell me what I need!


Nice idea but the grey bits just sort of blend and you don’t see any edges, I suggest you use SSAO made by Martinsh just search that and you will see what I mean…

Thanks, and Iwill check it out:).

i think the HUD and the gun(if that thing is a gun) are way too big, try scaling them a bit down, you dont want to obstruct player`s view!

OK, and I am a rubbish modeller :o.So it was meant to be a gun.

bake some ambient occlusions,…it would make the scene look better

so far so good! :slight_smile:

not much progress lately, but i have made the text a bit smaller and the gun cooler.

right now i am adding a more complex map

Looks really nice for a start!
I would suggest you check out my game (On my signature), Virtual Survival.
I was trying to get a similar art style to the one in your game. I think it can help you with some inspiration maybe! :slight_smile:
Keep up the good work!

thanks for the support, and i looked at your game, i think it looks amazing never knew someone tried neon before

Does anybody know how to use the path following actuators, for like a turret if anybody does please reply

Look it up on youtube. You wouldn’t use pathfind for a turret though.

yeah i did, and well the results were all using animations, so then i searched it here still nothing

It looks very nice idea,Good luck with it :slight_smile:

so i am adding a more weapons and making it more mech like, also adding a shop, and other things

try a laplacian, prewit, or sobel filter on the camera if you have glsl capabilities, otherwise keep on keepin on, the filters make it actually neon with the edges

well you thought this project was dead, well you are wrong. Here some pics:

Lava snake!
still working on the body and gun, doing floating houses as well:eyebrowlift:.
Hope you still intrested in this project.

and then do edit-select all
then do extrude individuals, then do like .99

leave edit, copy building,
go to edit, hit delete - this will delete the faces you extuded leaving the “shell” of the building

next select the copy, do edit, ctrl + I to invert and select all the pieces you made when extruding, hit delete,

now this is just the “panals”
and the other is just the “channels”

in the one with channels

always------------------------and---------------------------------Toggle property Flip

if Flip= TRUE------------------------------------------------------Visable
if Flip=FALSE------------------------------------------------------invisable

now it will flicker faster then you can tell, change the always sensor to every 1 frame, now you can see it flicker,
make a new material that is wireframe, and with a medium emit value,



Strobe.blend (741 KB)

cool! but what would i use it for in my game.