I use 2.69 (we cannot migrate yet as we’re currently in production) and attempt to set a render farm with 1 slave, 1 master and 1 client for a test.
I set all path to c: emp\ (on client, master, slave), set the image format to .jpg
They all communicate well and I can open the Master Monitor page. After the job’s done, I got all these .exr files in c: emp\ within the slave computer with nothing but black but they’re in correct resolution. I open them in photoshop they don’t even have channels or such.
Any steps I’m missing? I’ll try different version of course but I’ll really need to get this to work on 2.69.
If the internal network render addon don’t really work on 2.69, can you give me a software alternative (we’ve tried Deadline) with trial version so that we can test it out here?
Well I tried to lower Loki’s version (070c), now it’s running fine and doing network render fine. Very neat! I love the simplicity of this program, and it does what it do well.
The only thing missing is that I cannot set the job priority and queue according to its importance, so the jobs are rendered linearly according to their submission time. It might be feasible for small-scaled studios, but won’t be sufficient for bigger ones with multiple jobs. Also I see that this feature (priorities and jobs order) are still within their “wishlist”.
The software itself are quite self-explanatory and very simplistic.
Right now we’ll have to settle with Loki temporarily, I guess.
But any other solution other than Loki I can try? Commercial solutions are okay, but prolly with trial version so I can test em out.
EXR files are too big, we don’t have enough storage to accomodate all our project if they’re rendered in .exr. 5MB per frame average, Even merely 1 minute of animation would resulting in 5 + terabytes of frames.
Hopefully they implement the job priority and job submitter soon. I simply love the simplicity of Loki.
Your thread was very helpful. I managed to view the exr files correctly now.
And MY GOD Loki is Awesome !
Super easy and has the huge advantage of doing tile rendering (separating one frame into several tiles to be dispatched in the network). Now I can render big single frames way faster.
Blender’s network rendering addon can’t do that. I tried combining it with Monster tile renderer but I couldn’t enable the addon (maybe it’s too old). Anyway it would be a more complicated workflow.