New Add-on: Grow Snowflakes in Blender

:snowflake: Blender Snowflakes Add-On :snowflake:

I am pleased to announce my new add-on for growing virtual snowflakes right inside Blender!

Have you ever wanted to watch a snowflake grow? Or started modeling one in Blender but stopped because of the complexity of the shapes?

Then, this add-on is for you! It just grows beautiful snowflakes. Based on a physical model, it can generate a large variety of realistic shapes and highly-detailed meshes.


  • Physically-based snowflake growth model
  • Highly realistic results
  • Very detailed models
  • Endless number of variations
  • Easy to use automatic randomization of parameters
  • Many presets

Get it on Gumroad or Blendermarket!

More examples of generated snowflakes and details about how it works can be found in the documentation of the add-on.


Beautiful work, thanks for sharing. :ok_hand:

And welcome to BA, Felix!

Thank you! :smiley:

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Very cool work. Can you adapt the algorithm to grow more generic crystals?

Thanks! This algorithm is quite specific to snowflake growth (simulating freezing, melting and diffusion of water vapor). There are certainly other mathematical models for the simulation of other types of crystal. However, the ones I found are mostly for really small-scale simulations, so not really useful inside Blender because you can’t grow reasonably large crystals that look cool.

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