Hi guys, I am new at Gaming in Blender, and I was wondering if any of you were willing to help me create a game, it could even become a group project.
Hi Bal, I think your request is much too broad. If you don’t know anything about the BGE, there are hundreds of free tutorials you can view and study, everything from using just the logic bricks to PYTHON coding. There are also online courses and books about the BGE that you can buy.
Here is just one video series that goes through all the steps in making a game in the BGE ( it was one of the first of thousands of hits when I Googled: blender game engine tutorial )
To acquire some specific technique you can view the game tutorials at:
If you have an idea for a game, you should describe it. There may be some who are interested in a group project. If you have no ideas at all, I think you should begin with the tutorials.
Creating a game (be it in Blender, Unity, Gamemaker, or even from scratch) is a lot like filming a movie. It’s very complex, has many steps and roles to fill, and most are in production for many years, even with lots of people on a project.
Before you make a game, you need to have an idea of what you want to do. What kind of a game do you want to make? What kind of things do you need to have in your game for it to fit what you want? What kinds of talents will you need to hire? How will you hire them?
You also need to know what engine you’re using. If you’re gonna use Blender, how much do you know about it? Do you know enough Blender skills to be able to do what you want to do? If not, what do you need to learn how to do?
This is just the very beginning. There are many more things to consider and learn, such as how to plan out your design, how to schedule yourself to working on the project, things you need to stop and learn before continuing on your project, etc.
Game design is no simple task. It’s very involved and tricky. Granted, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. There’s nothing better than messing around with a line of code for three hours and finally reaching the “AHA!” moment, and watching with a goofy smile on your face as everything you were trying to do finally works the way you planned. But if you’re just starting out, focus on learning the basics of the program before tackling a game project. No game project is as easy as it seems in your head.
You need to make a storyline first.Choose what type of game you want to make firstpersonshooter,rts,rpg or tower defense.But rpg games is a lot work for a begginer.You could even make a maze game.I would make a game similar to what i like playing.
I don’t think saying “let’s make a game” will attract artists that would be willing to contribute their time into it
Look in the resource forum it has great stuff.And a websight to help you understand python coding and logic bricks is Tutorials for Blender 3D.I think i will help you make a door that opens and closes when you press a keyboard key.When your character is near.I will give you blend file.Try to learn from the logic bricks.Ask some questions how it works?
W to go forwards.X to rotate.V to open door when near and c to close door when near.Here is the blend.
Door house.blend (493 KB)
great link thanks for sharing