New Blender .exe vs. previous Blender personal preferences

What must I copy where to ensure that I keep my previous Blender settings/preferences?
I always download the Blender .zip files for new releases - and then copy them into a Blender “Program Files” directly. I do not run an installation program to do a self-install (but can if I need to).

Q: I have previous settings, e.g. my “opening scene” is different than default Blender one. Also, some of my viewports/panels are laid out slightly differently. What must I copy or not copy in order to keep my previous settings?

.blender/.B.blend <- this scene has your startup. copy.

Open that file from your other version of blender and then press ctrl U.
You just saved your viewport to that one.

Thanks a lot.

My question is in similiar vein…

When uninstalling a previous blender version, do the config files get uninstalled as well? startup.blend and userpref.blend, bookmarks.txt, recent-files.txt,

And do addons get uninstalled with a blender uninstall?
Are custom themes saved in the config file?

the advice is to make a back up of the config files, I know where to find them, but are they preserved on a blender UNinstall so that a new Blender installation can use them? And are addons treated the same way? (left alone and a new installation accesses them?)

config files located here according to platform:

Config files don’t get deleted. If you have addons located in the same config location, they won’t get deleted either.

Each blender version will have its own config directory so any addons associated with one version won’t be accessible to another version unless:

  • You copy your current settings from the splashscreen when you first run a new version
  • You manually copy them to a new installation
  • You assign a custom location for addons in the user preferences and use the same location for each installation
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awesome thanks Richard.