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A bust isn’t a full character. I don’t think I’m reading into it too much when I say that it must be “with legs, some sort of beating heart…” Also, this competition is meant to be a challenge. Most everyone can make a bust, but you don’t press your limits if its not a complete character.
So, no. Your energies are better spent on an entire character.
Hansen - no where does it say anything about a full character. Also is you know any of the real talented 3D artist some of the best character works are busts because it allows you to make realistic features without having to cram everything into a tiny space for a single snapshot.
Busts are allowed, but you’ll be competing with people who do a full character set against a scene, so it would probably have to flawless bust to have any chance of winning.
Busts are allowed, but you’ll be competing with people who do a full character set against a scene, so it would probably have to flawless bust to have any chance of winning.
Not that it personally bothers me(after all it is your contest and you set the rules)…but it is a bit redundant to measure busts on a same scale as a complete character.
Seeing the images you posted on the contest page, I did not see busts.
In terms of ‘usefulness’…sure…a bust could be used for showcasing skill, it can be animated of course but it will never have the same impact as a full character would have.
Just wanted to point out that in the sentence I quoted, you basically said that busts ‘have’ a chance of winning over a full character…witch, in my humble opinion, feels wrong.
I don’t seek any drama, just wanted to point it out, constructive feedback if you will.
Will try to take part, good luck to all.
Not trying to cause drama, but I do find this anti-bust idea in blender comical. Quite literally.
Literally if an artist is any good they can make a bust tell a story without an entire body. It is a statement of true talent to be able to tell a story with a simple bust than a full body character where the story is written for you in such glaring black & white a 2 year old can put it together.
Example - and this is NOT mine - but a Freddy Cougar by TT 3D on turbosquid is but one example of what I mean after a 5 second search on google. I can easily pull up more.
Or if you want to be 100% blender - cgcookies head tutorial is passable. More time / more effort and it’d be quite good.
Sorry, again not to cause conflict, but it’s comical how people are passing over busts. You can put detail into a bust until you quite literally “choke” which is something you can’t really do on a full body character unless you have an extremely fast & powerful computer.
Don’t forget, you have 6 weeks. If possible, try to use as much of that time as you can. You did this in 5 days, imagine what you could create in the time given
I agree with this, I have done a few BlenderArtists weekend challenges, Blender Guru Challenges, and i always see submissions really early, within days or hours of the the contest being posted. Spend time refining textures, lighting, bump up the render resolution, use compositor.
If your happy with your results great. But i find with this being such an malleable art form i am constantly trying to tweak my projects even after the submission date to see if i can make it better, in the process learning how to use the tools that blender has
So here is my subscription (or will be because I’ve ran the render on an other computer and I’ve forgotten to save the render on the cloud …).
I hope that we can edit post otherwise I will need to create a new post.
My subscrition might be considered as not fully answering the question because of the posture of the caractere (we see only the back of the caracter, in a dense mantle) but there is a lot of storytelling. I want to describe the loneliness of the caracter and it’s why I’ve chosen an unrealist landscape, the ice desert with only few blade of grass (the caracter is not alone but it looks to) and it’s why the color of his mantle is so contrasted with the environment.
He wants to break the ice, and for the character it’s quite impressive because of the number of fragments but for the environment it’s nothing), the caracter finally doesn’t interact with the environment.
So, through this picture I’ve tried to tell a lot of thing that I could never explain in english, I hope you will understand all that the picture means, however if you’ve got a question I will surly answer )
I hope that you will enjoy the picture, I think that it’s my last render but if you’ve got constructive reaction I will do an other (for example a friends said me that the shape was strange but it’s finally one of the most natural position).
P.S.: english is not my native language and I apologize for my mistake (I will not blame you if you spot errors, I will rather thanks you )
So here is my subscription (or will be because I’ve made the mod this WE but I’ve ran the render on an other computer and I’ve forgotten to save the render on the cloud …).
I hope that we can edit post otherwise I will need to create a new post.
My subscription might be considered as not fully answering the question because of the posture of the character (we see only the back, wrapped in a dense mantle) but there is a lot of storytelling. I want to describe the loneliness of the character and it’s why I’ve chosen an unrealistic landscape, the ice desert with only few blade of grass (the character is not alone but it looks to) and it’s why the color of his mantle is so contrasted with the environment.
He want to break the ice, and for the character it’s quite impressive because of the number of fragment but for the environment it’s nothing).
So, through this picture I’ve tried to tell a lot of thing that I could never explain in English, I hope you will understand all that the picture means ).
However I hope that you will enjoy the picture, I think that it’s my last render but if you’ve got constructive reaction I will do an other (for example a friends said me that the shape was strange but it’s finally one of the most natural position).
P.S.: English is not my native language and I apologize for my mistake (I will not blame you if you spot errors, I will rather thanks you )
P.P.S.: For me it’s answer the subject because it’s around the character: not the modelisation (not sure of the word) of the character but the interaction with the environment.