Hello everyone,
elYsiun.com has had it’s current design for quite a while now and I would hereby like to thank Joeri Kassenaar again for helping out in creating the design. I really like the current design but nothing is everlasting. The time has come to look into creating a new design for elYsiun, but since I have neither the talent nor the time to create a new design by myself I need some help!
What will I do
I will write all of the HTML and CSS for elYsiun I do this because I feel that 90% of the time people write very bad HTML code so I want to be in control of this myself.
I will also integrate the HTML code in elYsiun’s template based system because it is quite complex for anyone not familiar with both the structure of elYsiun as the template languages themselves.
What can you do?
Everything else!!
If you could provide a .pdf file with the design in it that would be great, if you could create some HTML mockups as well that would be great (even though I will probably rewrite most of the HTML). After the decision has been made to implement the design we will work with the artist to implement it into elYsiun in a way that is acceptable for everyone involved.
What’s up with the elYsiun logo?
The elYsiun logo will remain the same! I can provide the elYsiun logo in several formats upon request (I will provide a .pdf logo at this page as soon as possible). Since I do understand that the elYsiun logo colors might not fit well within every site design, the color of the logo may change.
What do I like in a design?
Personally I like clean designs much of the design done in HTML and CSS and as little of the design done with pure graphics, but this is not a demand on my side, as long as it looks good and feels good it’s a winner.
What technologies/languages can we use?
The current elYsiun uses several standard that I feel should be used again in a new design they are HTML 4.01 transitional and CSS 1.0, Flash should not be used, JavaScript should be used as little as possible. All images should be JPG or GIF and no animated gifs should be part of the design.
Reason for most of these demands are because I want to remain compatibility with as many browsers as possible that are compatible with HTML 4.01 and CSS 1.0.
Ok I want to create a design, now what?
Please do if you can create a mockup and post a link to that mockup here o we can give you feedback. You can also open a topic in the news & chat forum if you want. We’ll allow several people to be working on a design for elYsiun and will use both the community feedback the designs receive as our own opinions to choose a final design concept and work with the artist to turn that into a working website.
Is there a deadline?
Well not really I would prefer to have the design implemented in the last week of January, since I have that week free. But lets just see where it goes perhaps no one will even respond to this call an the current design will remain.
How do I get credit?
If you want you can place a link to your website at the bottom of all elYsiun pages, in the familiar fashion “designed by -your name here-“
Please feel free to ask any questions you may have in this topic and I will try to answer them.
Thanks and Greets,