New entry

Hi everybody.
My name is joystx_

i write bit beacause i not speak english
(use google for translation) :frowning:

Hello… :smiley:

Welcome :slight_smile: (…ciao e benvenuto se per caso parli italiano?)
Very good renders with Blender Internal!

thank you.
si parlo italiano. molto meglio di come parlo inglese :evilgrin:

You keep posting very good images :slight_smile: I am mainly interested in architectural rendering with Blender and especially with Blender Internal renderer and try to improve my skill (I keep a blog on this subject). I would be happy to find more about your work. I like the interior detail style, framing just a small part of a scene like a small artwork and I’m intriguied because it doesen’t look like usual architecture vizualisation work though it technically fits the part :slight_smile: You can reply in italian if it’s easier for you, though I don’t write it well I understand ok.