New feature tests


lookin good!

Caronte: Could you please post the .blend that you used to make the first pic? Iā€™ve been trying to get my particles to come out like that without any luck. Thanks.:smiley:


Itā€™s the classic/clichĆ© ball of fur:

The strands do look a bit flat. Maybe this would be possible with PyTex? (rounding RiCurves)

I havenā€™t the exact .blend, but here is one similar:

Thanks! Iā€™ll disect it.:smiley:


Bagration, that looks quite nice, flat strands or not. Iā€™d love to see a furballed character animationā€¦ I bet itā€™d be cute.

The Test Build of Blender is mutch cooler then 2.37

I like the hair system and all off the others

:frowning: But i need a faster pc :frowning:
:wink: Well again a task for mee :wink:

new blenderā€™s particles powered by makehair

looks good, but a bit thin, perhaps a base mesh under it to give body and shadow?

Tooā€¦ uniform.
Need to work it a bit.

the shadow ( and little difference) come out if raytracing and AO are activated

strangely enough that looks more like straws to me than hairā€¦ maybe turn up the transparency of the hairs?

To get the best material for hair in blender:

Use Raytraced shadows
Use Tranparent shadows (TraShadow button in the hair material and in every material receivig the hair shadow)
Material anisotropic (Ashikhmin shader)
Use ZTransp button
Low the SpecTra slider near to zero
Alpha from 0.5000 to 0.0000 (Use a BLEND procedural texture and the ColorBand)

Wow, these particles are amazing :D. Had to test it myself.
Here is a hair test I did in 5 min.
Btw, does anybody know how to get particles to be sitting so straight at eachother like in this picture?
I got it from this site about the particles.

mohawk suzanneā€™s nice, but her hair floats above her scalp. itā€™s like a demonic toupee!

time for the fluid from cvo:
since html is of i canā€™t name the link:

To get this buttons, you have to add the particle patch at

yeah I know, and I have the buttons, thatā€™s not the problem, but still the blocks wonā€™t sit as streight on top of eachother as in that pic you seeā€¦

Particle hair experiment of a dish scrub thing in my kitchen.