New gallery

Hi Guys… it’s been a while between posts. Mainly work getting in the way of blendering (what a sin!) I just wanted to see if this link to my new clips gallery worked for you guys. I have a few old and see before mpegs and mov files here… please comment if you feel like it, but I mainly want to know the links work! I will paste the link below just in case. GIve me a holler right here for any problems!

Ever the cheap one,

Paul C

sorry…it seems it is not possible to access the movies :frowning:

Bugger… dagnammit… barbara streisand… :x :x :x

Will figure something out…

:x Hey dudes, try the link today. Can you be more specific? DOes the link work, but not the MPGs? or does the page itself not appear (ie: error page)?

Trying to figure why I can see it on other computers and no one else can. I am gonna call my page “Milko” soon…

It all works fine for me. It may just be taking too long to load for some?

The page loaded for me, but the movie links seem to be bad. I’m on a T1 line and I can’t get them to load.

  • Atariman -

It works for me, (i.e the page loads, and I can download the movies)

Can’t think why it wouldn’t work for others… :-?

Now what do you guys think of the content?

SO glad you guys can see it. All the stuff you see there is about six months old. I made this page as a testing ground for the REALLY cool stuff I’ve been working on. Hold on to your hats and things, 'cause CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT is coming.

Hi guys. Added two newer tests I compressed for web today: a bone/hand test, and a jumping character.

Here is the link to the gallery:

And the links to the individual files:

Suggestions welcome!
