New Game Engine!

Am looking forward to see people make great games on Range Engine!
or atleast great looking and great performing Tech Demo’s on Range…

Hahaha funny how it has a GODOT appeal in the logo and theme design for it…


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i don’t understand why they don’t advertise the release on their youtube channel . A regular update (weekly) of the changelog or showcase is required for people to know that the project is living.

Most people think that Armory is dead just because they just don’t see a damn video of it since years.

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the lamp area is really a good thing as it works as a light bath that can light even backsides to a lesser extend whilst other lamps let the backsides completely dark . But, unlike the spot and sun light, the image texture doesn’t work … you can see the texture on the ground reflection thanks to its specular , but the light itself emits only 1 color that looks like the mixture of all colors of the image texture …

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Lol that’s what i was thinking lol.


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For Range, I would like to see new kind of objects or an option on existing objects that can evaluate the amount of light received

Do you not have a repo? Would be convenient being able to browse the source without having to download a big ole zip.

Yay Finally He Made some noise!


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@Fred_K.S :grin:

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Blender made ease of use and accessibility its trademark (to my eyes anyway): if Range can do the same thing Blender did in the 3D art field but for game development, I’d say it as a game engine would have a valid reason to exist among all its competitors.
I’m interested, I’ll keep my eyes on this, I just hope its development won’t take away precious manpower from Blender development

It won’t, this project is entirely separate from Blender development, which is funded by the Blender Foundation. The Blender Foundation has no money or developers invested in any game engine project (with the exception of Godot, but it’s not direct involvement, Ton just has been helping them quite a bit)

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Wats node shaders from cycles support in RE? in future you add new shaders in engine? somebody - emission, BSDF, and geometry nodes?

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I’m looking to have my character (Luposian) incorporated into a 3D 3rd Person Perspective (3PP) game (similar to Bungie’s Oni), but he’s well-detailed in fur and not sure if it’s too dense/complex for gameplay. Supposedly RanGE uses the Cycles renderer vs. UPBGE using Eevee. And he’s rendered in Cycles, so… ? Trying to render him in EeVee makes him look like a black and white monstrosity.

No range uses blender internal (from blender 2.79.6 +)

cycles is it’s own thing and will never be great for realtime*

Not that it matters, but I think you mean Blender 2.79.7 UI. Unrelated, RangeEngine now uses the latest Python versions like UPBGE 0.3+ does.

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hahahaha Yeah they got me there haha!


better soon than never :smiling_face_with_tear:

Points cast light around
Sun cast straight light
Area cast light nearby
Spots cast light outwards

would it be possible to create a lamp that cast light inwards ? (like Archimede mirror) why ?

Because the straight unidirectional light of the sun is not realistic and creates some weird artifacts on the the nearly orthogonal sides and provide 0 light whatsoever when the sides are completely orthogonal.

just an idea

Why new engine and not contribute UPBGE 0.3-> that GPU skinning?

its more the old upbge being continued than a new engine. Upbge 0.3 performance is not always adapted for all configuration and projects. 20fps for a basic shooter on a 2019 computer : just cannot be an option

What causes low fps?

My point to use 0.3.0 is of course extreme good image quality and even more important is that it is based newer Blender so own work lasts longer. And the UPBGE unique feature, having integrated to Blender. I don’t expect that there is enough manpower to do maintenance old Blender code so it will likely rot.

So… I don’t understand. In my opinion, resources should be put UPBGE or Blender and contribute there. Game developers (or game engine users) have about zero reason to use engine based on older Blender because there are plenty of better engines.