New Game

i suggest you to start making something more simple.
MORPG is the hardest of the gaming genres, so reconsider this idea. First, you should gain more experience working with Blender, so maybe make a puzzle…

Your idea is all well and good but…

-You have nothing to show us (no pictures, videos, or files).

-You apparently have little experience in Blender.

-If the best blenderheads on this forum got together, it would take them a VERY long time to accomplish half of what you are asking for.

What you propose would require HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS (observe emphasis) of man hours to complete. Each character alone could take 20 or more hours. Unless you plan to work on it until your grave, I would not recommend trying it. Furthermore, you will have a very difficult time trying to find a market for your title since everything you mentioned has been done many times before. “Like Everquest but different” is not an appealing argument. People are sick of the same-old same-old, so your game would have to be the most mind blowingly fantastic Everquest clone ever created to warrant much appeal. Try applying small amounts of your ideas to many smaller titles to get some practice, and see how that goes. To get an idea of the workload, get this game (it’s a great game) and try to make a good, expansive and polished scenario there. Then multiply the time you spent on that times about 2 or 3 hundred. Or maybe thousand.

I’m not saying this to discourage you from creating games, on the contrary. If I said that what you have is a feasible idea, you’d go out, try it, fail, get discouraged, and probably not try to make another. I’m trying to give you some perspective so that you may make an informed decision, scale down your ideas, produce some games, and actually have some fun doing it.

I’m not going to pretend I’m god with this, I only have three years of experience, but in those short three years, I’ve seen and been a part of many failed projects. Producing a finished product is unbelievably difficult, and requires dedication, knowledge, passion, and a hell of a lot of organization.

So spend some time learning Blender, produce some content, then maybe come back to this and reevaluate it. And really, listen to the people here, they do actually know what they’re talking about.