New hair system symmetry and/or object mirror broken?

Hi all,

Starting to play around with the new hair curves and while I have a few issues about it all, I think I’ve found two very broken things about it.

  1. If you use the symmetry option while adding and adjusting all the hairs, so work on left eyebrow and have the right one created at the same time, it doesn’t work. The two sides don’t match even if you have symmetry on the whole time.

  2. In light of that, since I had one eyebrow looking good, I thought just delete the other side, duplicate the hair object and mirror it.

Problem is that doesn’t work either.

It all looks good without the surface deform node applied:

But as soon as you turn that on, rather then getting the same result as the original, it just wiggs out:

Here’s the blend file, in case anyone whats to take a quick look, you’ll likely need v3.4 to open it:
hair-broken.blend (943.2 KB)

Do you find a problem solving?

Since those initial issues and the fact that dynamics/simulation still isn’t a thing for hair curves I’ve just not looked at it again since.

Will likely still be years before the whole system is really production ready, if ever.

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