New house...maybe somewhere

All in Blender and Cycles

Nice image, but the lighting is not that realistic, I would give a slightly yellowish color and move the sun up, it seem that it is on the floor.
I would also add more details, especially in the main door zone, and move the camera a bit, there’s too much road in the picture, and last but not least, the white parts are kinda… Surreal… I don’t know… Try changing something there.
Take my comments as constructive ones :slight_smile:

Thank you. I need comments like yours.
The attempt was to create a late-afternoon light. Probably it’s not very effective. On the white I try a give a kind of movement playng with the low light that came from left. Maybe
the reflection is too strong
I agree on the details. as it says, “Andrew Price” probably missing a story in this picture also on the road. If I have time add and update the details that make it above that. Thanks again