Yellow must be a bug, I have the same issue
Okay I tried some rendering (with new displacement, sss and stuff) and there are some difference between raytrace and approximate. Look at the pictures, on the approximate version the blacks are blue, and on the raytrace they are black and the eye color is more vivid. Other than that there is just a slight change in light. And it nice to have this render fast with only a sun lamp and atmosphere. No cheats at all. Of course it is just a simple scene, but look at what the durian guys are doing!
monkey.blend (186 KB)
I did this interior architectural animation test to test for noise. Very impressed with the results. between 8-38 seconds for render times (640x480 on quad core) - 38 for when the mirror metal surface of the futon is in the scene.
no direct lights. Environment lighting only. settings shown at end of video clip.
[edit] apparently somehow I checked the private box on the youtube settings. fixed now.
Why, when I use indirect light, does one bounce work, but any more than that produces exactly the same result: a reverse AO render with light coming through meshes, and not affected at all by lights. I expect light to strike the floor of my interior and bounce around. What I get is very strange, and doesn’t care about light.
The following images illustrate this. The first is one bounce, the second is two bounces. It’s important to note that the appearance is identical to the second image every time I use more than one bounce.
I made a quick duplicate of your scene, and rendered with my build - I got the yellow tint bug, but definitely a difference between 2 and 3 bounces. (3 was brighter)
try turning up the number of samples.
Nope, samples doesn’t affect it, it’s just buggy past two bounces. I can get rid of the light, change it’s colour, change the samples, whatever I do. Two or more bounces won’t work.
Does anyone know what this issue is from?
2 bounces work for me and are entirely affected by the lamps, are you sure you don’t have ambient occlusion and environmental light enabled?
Also, do you have the gathering set to raytraced?
Raytraced or Approximate, and enabling AO or Environment doesn’t change anything. If all other setting remain the same, increasing bounces past one does not change anything, period.
Thanks to this thread, I finally wrapped my head around this new Illumination model feature in Blender. Thanks to all those who shared blend files and their experiences :yes:
I did quite a few tests and documented my findings as a series of images with explanations. You can access it here and here
I mean having AO and environmental lighting disabled (uncheck their checkboxes).
I’m not having this problem with the latest graphicall render25 build.
What could be useful for quality is more control over the irridiance cache and have it made better, like sample density, interpolation size, density based on flatness of geometry and corners, and perhaps even multi-pass sampling. A simple solution to the tile artifact problem might be to render the sample pass in a tile bigger than the one actually rendered (so an IR pass tile next to it would somewhat overlap the previously rendered area, there may be a better way though. These are just suggestions, but Brecht may have better ideas.
Hi, I’m really confused here. Is Indirect lighting just another way to call Global illumination or is just another think completely?
Indirect lighting is the core of all true GI methods, GI is what you get when you have both direct lighting and indirect lighting together.
Disabled or enabled, no good.
That’s strange because I never had that problem during my tests, so I don’t know what would cause the problem.
Thanks Ace Dragon!
Does anyone know why this strange black outline appears? Seems like a bug, I wonder what causes it.
The latest graphicall build does not have this, believe this was fixed a few days ago.
Is that 27623? The latest Windows build (27614) still his this. I guess I need to wait for a newer Windows build.
Well I did have that, but only with a build older than the one I use now, it was a bug that showed up when bumpmapping was used as far as I know because it showed in the material preview then.