Something is seriously wrong!
I recently upgraded my graphics card to the GTX970. and got way faster renders with the GPU.
However I have noticed a serious decline in viewport FPS down to 1-3 fps only on playback. I can rotate and move inside the viewport just fine, but not scroll the timeline.
The scene is complex with environment, character and hair, BUT I have diabled everything but the Armature and the problem is there still. I have no Sub-d, no dynamics, and view is in Solid mode. I have also tried swtich between CPU and GPU, supported and experimental, it makes no difference.
There is no reason to use “only render” and most of these tips because it worked fine yesterday, and little has changed that I know of…
The only thing I have worked on is Hair baking, but I have now turned off the dynamics for that, and the hair is not visible in viewport.
I have noticed that the CPU power goes to 80-90% in the taskmanager when I press Alt-A. Does that say something?
Are all scene objects somehow calculated even though they are turned off?