New quad auto-retopology algorithm

This new quad auto-retopology algorithm looks very promising.

It would be fabulous if someone could code a Blender implementation of this, maybe as an upgrade of the Remesh modifier.


That seems to be really great!

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I think so too. It seems to solve the amount of singularities and triangle dead-ends that Instant Meshes generates.

I hope a GUI version will be available soon, so we can at least use it as a retopo companion next to Blender.

As it seems from the paper it has a quite efficient sharp edge preservation ability too. Something very important for an auto-retopo tool. Weakness as to ability to preserve sharp edges is a common problem in the well known, to this day, auto-retopo tools… so, it is really an effort that has to be encouraged. But as Metin Seven said it is in need of a gui, so that the non programmer users too can experiment with it.

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There’s also a discussion about Quadriflow at the MoI 3D forum (a great NURBS editor, very useful for hard-surface modeling), and one of the forum members (Archetype / Fabien F.) tried Quadriflow on a hard-surface model. It turns out that Quadriflow works best for retopology of organic models, with maybe a few hard edges, but not intricate hard-surface stuff:

I have to add though that the sharp edge option returned errors during this test, so if that would have worked, the results might be significantly better.

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I never found a reliable hard surface auto retopo tool

Yes, it’s a ‘hard’ thing to code. :wink:

If you model in MoI 3D, the polygon mesh output is the best in the NURBS world, with very good normals, but not all-quad / not ready for subdivision modeling.

I’m hoping AI / ML will soon give birth to a super-autoretopo tool.

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Anyone having a Windows build of quadriflow they want to share?

look here

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Still waiting for a macOS build of QuadriFlow. :cry: