New Technologies (AI)

A few years ago image generating algorithms results were funny now there is a protest against them on ArtStation so…


This sort of thing already existed a few years ago, but instead of text to 3d, it was image to 3d:

Of course, they used some newer techniques, like diffusion to generate the point cloud, but overall, there hasn’t been that much progress when it comes to the point cloud generation.


I think the main point they were making wasn’t that it was particularly innovative in and of itself, or even as good as other solutions, but that it was much faster.


Yes, that’s exactly the point (pun was not intended :sweat_smile:). It is worse than previous methods, but way, way faster (600x). The speed of generation was one of the things that was holding those systems back (IIRC they were able to generate a model in a day, day and a half before).

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Repository, not for discussion here.

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I think you should make and deserve a post of your own UuuNyaa for your tool.


It will be good to have this for rendering in Cycles

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At the rate things are going, kids in the near future will just place an AI version of themselves on the screen for the teachers while they go outside to play in the snow (in the cities here in the US that completely did away with snow days because of remote learning tech.).

It is not like teachers and professors are not already having headaches with tech, since the new ChatGPT technology can create papers that earn an A while being almost impossible to catch.

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Yes, replace what makes us human ! they’re probably working on facial expression support as we speak -how long till we don’t have to smile anymore ?

Yes, it’s true : you can finally stop paying attention in all of your zoom meetings
He says that under the pretense of a joke, but look at the technology : that’s exactly the idea.

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Personally, I think it will ultimately lead to the collapse of our societies. Society is bad enough as it is with overpopulation and the welfare state. Just imagine how bad it will be when these machines lead to 90% unemployment…


That’s one of my concerns as well, but I am somewhat optimistic we will be able to figure out a new economic system to deal with that (some capitalism / socialism hybrid maybe). My major concern is information. We already somewhat do, but with deepfakes and all sorts of image- and text generating AI systems becoming better and better, we will propably live in a world in a few years in which no information can be trusted and politics will just crumble and fade away, nobody will be able to agree on the same objective reality. That’s the stuff of my nightmares, honestly.


The last few replies are a bit off topic- from what I’ve gathered, this isn’t a discussion thread so much as a catalogue of announcements of new technologies, so please make new threads for discussions, thanks!


I don’t think it’s very cool to ask members of this forum to not discuss about news or articles that are posted in this topic.
After all, Discourse forums are made for discussion.

Also, there are other topics in which news have been posted that contain comments and discussions and this is quite a normal thing for us to want to discuss about them. The Big Blender Sculpt Mode thread is a good example of a suite of development news, followed by comments from this community.

This is why, I think that we should be able to comment about the news that are posted in this thread. Thank you for your comprehension.


This is a well-reasoned and articulate point that is worth considering. I’ve just been following the precedent for this particular thread, that the other staff members have been doing since the beginning of it. However, at the end of the day- @Bullit , your thread, your call. Side discussions or not, up to you

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Well yes, it ultimately comes down to what the thread owner wants, but otherwise, it is my opinion that it is healthy for engagement if commentary can be done as long as it is brief (ie. not drowning out the actual reports of new technology, that means no quote battles) and follows the rules this forum already has in place for all discussion.



Sorry xan2622 my point is based that you start a discussion and then someone posts a new tech news from something completely different, then another member for a third subject etc. In the end we get a very big mess.
I don’t mind 2-3 fast posts as starting point. But in depth should be elsewhere.


Meanwhile, there is now evidence that the AI revolution is now colliding with the robotics field. Suddenly, the prospect of owning your own Rosy is a lot better than just a few years ago. Yes, Nvidia has a robot now.

This also means we may soon need an “AI vs. employees” thread to go with the one about artists. A lot of companies will likely invest big in this as governments continue to push the idea of jobs like Cashier as a lifelong career option.


As the thread owner has decided, and following precedent, side discussions are not allowed on this thread. Going forward, side discussions will be removed