(New Thread) Texture bake is failing above 5 samples

The plane I am baking has uniform scale (CTRL + A) Rotation and scale

When I bake this plane at 5 samples it is on center.

When I bake this plane at 100 samples it is off center

When I bake this plane at 200 samples it is way off center

Bug in blender Or am I doing something wrong?

My guess is that it’s failing to bake all the way and crashing halfway through, have you tried using CPU rendering instead of using the GPU?

Link to example .blend file for testing purposes ?

Ill try the CPU next, But I have baked most of the scene no problem, this is the first issue Im having with this scene

It doesn’t look like it’s skewed to me, I can see how the brightness varies across the image in the 5 sample bake and it doesn’t look stretched down in the higher sampled bakes, I’m pretty sure it’s cutoff. But to repeat what Richard said without a .blend file it’s only possible to guess what the problem is.

Im trying to post it to pasteall.org but im having a secondary problem. pasteall.org requires the fill be under 30MB
, my file is 44MB so I deleted alot of high poly stuff and it is still saving a 40MB…

indeed as a test I also deleted everything in the file, (everything) and blender is still saving the empty scene as 40MB… why is it doing that?

You probably have packed images in the file, remove all of them except any that are required to test baking.


the problem persist, after creating a new texture bake for the walls it looks like the bake is failing part way through.

here is the blend file to duplicate the problem. Try to bake the walls, the bake is setup

Blend File: http://www.pasteall.org/blend/39686

This thread is related to another thread but I wanted to make a new one to start fresh since I have now isolated the issue.

The current issue: The texture bake fails above 5 samples

if I bake the texture at 5 samples it bakes the full texture. If I bake above 4 samples it fails to fully bake.


Found the solution: Do not leave the Blender window while baking

Explanation: When blender is baking a texture if I leave the blender window to do something else (browse the web, use photoshop etc.) the bake will immediately fail. :eek:

Is this a new bug for blender??

This thread is related to another thread but I wanted to make a new one to start fresh since I have now isolated the issue.
This makes absolutely no sense. Why add the solution to one thread in another !!

Threads merged


I think Your problem is memory…Your Blend file need 3 Gb to bake…I have no problem to run other program or
surf the web.


Maybe it is My video card is only 3GB so that could be it, Maybe if it loads a UV map that has alot of geometry it reaches it limit and when I go out side of Blender to do other things while its baking that may push it over the edge