Sorry for the sort of late answer, it’s been quite a day.
So how many vertices?
looking at it now i can say that it is more than i would have liked it to be. some areas needed more definition than others but other areas probably didn’t need nearly as much.
Man… 27,000 verticies… that still seems like alot more than i should of had. i didn’t notice there was that many.
I see that use nodes under the node editor is off, good to know about that.
the texture is at the default 1024 x 1024 but it’s also good to know the increments like that.
Haha i wish i had a tablet. :c
And i always keep smooth stroke off because it’s the weirdest most annoying thing to me ._.
Unless i’m trying to drag a stick behind me in the dirt, i don’t see what else it’s helpful for.
So if it’s the facecount that is the problem, and i don’t have any modifiers on, is there a way to have blender sort of simplify or pick and choose what verts are really needed or not?
So i tried a couple of things. First i tried a limited dissolve on my mesh but that seemed to create alot of weird polygons that didn’t seem safe to use in the future if i need to change anything about the mesh. I also noticed painting on it was a little wonky aswell.
Then i tried to do a snap to face quick retopology sort of work by extruding a subdivided plane over the mesh to hopefully let each vertex snap to the faces they need but it seemed though as if that wouldn’t change very much and additionally, i could only snap one vertex at a time anyway rather than line of vertices.
What i have found though is that if i zoom in on my mesh and paint smaller parts of it, it becomes easier and less laggy. You see, this may be a beginner mistake, but what i had been trying to do is color it all yellow for the sand, then brush over everything that wasn’t the beach in green to be grass to give myself a starting point. and i was doing so by zooming out so the brush could hit more than half of the entire island at a time. I guess i assumed that the lag in doing that would be the same through out the whole process.
It seems though that i have to either suffer with that lag at first to give it a base color, or go in and color it all in smaller sections.
but it looks like once i get into the finer detail of things it will become easier (: