New Tutorial - Blending some old style Coca Cola

Here’s the URL to my newest tutorial - designed with the absolute beginner user in mind, but hopefully good enough the for advanced users to check out too.

Comments of any kind would be greatly appreciated!


i havent done it, but it looks pretty good!

different way to model than i use… Good job!


thanks for the comments!

If people like this one, I will likely continue with writing my next tutorial, on modelling a cactus.

NIce tut, great job. Glad I got that coke label tex.

Note to admins. Could we get a thread specifically for posting tuts? I think it would be very helpful for people looking for some good tuts. They would all be in one place and could be found quickly. Plus people could submit their stuff for ctits.
Just a thought. :wink:

Great tutorial. I think you may add some information on how to make the bottle hollow.

nice tut…thanks :smiley:


Nice tutorial, but what about those who don’t have a middle scroll wheel? Maybe a bit on how to use a 2 button mouse would be a good addition.


see? :smiley: welcome to blender -joeri

This can be acheived easier and faster and cleaner with sub surfs (to some degree.)

Looks pretty nifty. Very useful for beginners.