New WIP bird flying game

Im making a game where you play as a bird and fly around. the gameplay is not yet fully decided but im thinking something like you destroy all the other birds nests to get points and some of them are well hidden. thats just a basic idea that may not be used at all in the game, gameplay suggestions would be appreciated:yes:.
done so far:

  • modelled main bird

  • rigged main bird

  • partly animated bird

  • set up controls for bird with mouselook and keyboard(the mouselook script i got thanks to here - - which i edited a tiny bit to do what i want it to do )
    To do yet:

  • texture bird (remake)

  • create propper environment

  • maybe create ai

  • gameplay

  • probably more ill find later:p


Sounds like a good idea! when can we get a playable demo?

some screenshots and/or wires wouldn’t do bad…
Keep up the (good) work

It sounds like a nice concept! Good luck with the execution, you’ve got a long road ahead of you.

heres a screenshot, i put a texture on the bird but its quite bad so ill make a new one later but it will do for now. does anyone have any good ideas for gameplay? or think my idea is good?


heres a screenshot,(its part way through the flying action) i put a texture on the bird but its quite bad so ill make a new one later but it will do for now. does anyone have any good ideas for gameplay? or think my idea is good?


The bird looks like a flying turtle the size of a dinosaur. I mean… it looks good.

is it supposed to be a bird or a pterodactyl because it looks like a pterodactyl

Ok so that screen made it look weird but i think it was the scaling of the bird and also the view being right on top of the birds back (ive never modelled an animal before this).
So i fixed up the scaling and used a very different view ,and way that the camera follows the bird is much more fun and better now. Also i changed the way the bird handles to be more interesting and more like a bird.
now you can have a turn at handling the bird and looking at how it is supposed to be:). Its still nowhere near finished and theres no gameplay yet but at least you can see the flying in action.
download here:

Amazing controlability!(is controlability spelled that way?)
The handling is comparable to some commercial games, even better probably.
You can tell it’s BGE by looking on its graphics though…
But Heck, that Handling!!!:eek:
I can’t wait for some gameplay added.
btw, the collision with the ground isn’t very believable. Also, I managed to get stuck under the ground and couldn’t get out.
(but, who cares, the Handling ROCKS!)

good , try to get rid of the tiling of the ground by vertex painting and improving the uvw map .

Hehe, I laughed so hard when playing this. I mean that in a good way - it’s just that I find bird flying upside down, doing backflips and rolls in air and occasionally hammering in terrain, hilarious. :smiley: The idea’s great, I’m not sure if other people here agree, but I for one feel that there aren’t enough bird simulators out there, commercial or otherwise. This thing has potential, you know. I don’t think you can make an awful lot of gameplay, other than actual recreation of bird life - if you’re a predator, you can fly around hunting smaller birds. Or, the other way around, be a small bird who must evade predators. A seagull diving for fish, pigeon, err, dropping bombs :wink: on monuments… Looks like there are quite a few things you could use for your gameplay.
Keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

btw, the collision with the ground isn’t very believable

no its not:( i will try to make that better

good , try to get rid of the tiling of the ground by vertex painting and improving the uvw map .

thanks but this is only a temporary environment that i put together quickly the real one will have alot better terrain and trees, etc.

if you’re a predator, you can fly around hunting smaller birds. Or, the other way around, be a small bird who must evade predators. A seagull diving for fish, pigeon, err, dropping bombs :wink: on monuments… Looks like there are quite a few things you could use for your gameplay.

good ideas thanks- i think being a predator would be quite good, as well as dropping ‘bombs’- hit peoples cars and get 10 points.:stuck_out_tongue:

Hehe, I laughed so hard when playing this. I mean that in a good way - it’s just that I find bird flying upside down, doing backflips and rolls in air and occasionally hammering in terrain, hilarious.

yeh, much like a fighter pilot game

Hey I liked you’re controls, but how about making it so the bird has a velocity that can be added to, so that when you dive it builds up speed, then when you pull out you’re speed carries through and you can gain height. then when you press forward, it just gradually adds to the velocity. don’t use blender’s internal physics for that though, because you want local velocity that keeps pushing you forward locally, not just globally (that’s so you can have dives that you pull out of at the last moment)

now that would be sweet but i dont think i have any idea how to do it:( does anyone no how to do that?

here’s how you would do it. first, you need to convert the rotation of the bird into velocity, for example a bird sailing straight forward would not lose or gain speed, but a bird pointed down will gain speed and one pointing up will lose speed.
to find that tilt, it requires some matrix math that would be hard to explain, but if it’s alright with you I’d like to modify your original file to implement velocity. I’ll upload the file once I’m done

to find that tilt, it requires some matrix math that would be hard to explain, but if it’s alright with you I’d like to modify your original file to implement velocity. I’ll upload the file once I’m done

yeah sure :slight_smile: go for it

Here’s the file
I’m uploading a zipped version as we speak

Love the velocity increase one :smiley:

I’d love a mission where you have to swoop postmen! Fun, fun, fun!

Oh, why postmen? Postmen are most of the time nice people doing an USEFUL job!
Here’s a nice mission:
your bird goes to town and enters a broker’s office and “paints” allover with excrements?
Anyway, its very nice!