NEWBIE HERE Needing Help

So I am coming over from using Maya and would like to make the transition to using Blender. I’m sure this is a very basic question but I am stumped. When I open a brand new cylinder in Blender, it has edges all along the side but none on the top and bottom. When a new cylinder is open in Maya, it has edges all along the side AND on the top and bottom. In Maya, I am able to change the polycylinder’s subdivisions axis, height, radius, and subdivisions height. In Blender, I cannot find when I can add these changes. Any help for a newb would be greatly appreciated. And for the snobby veteran a**hats, sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Thanks!

Check the settings, either in the lower left, or press F9 to pull up the menu, check the cap fill type is set to ngon as opposed to “nothing”.

Interestingly I can’t change that setting in 2.80 however in the daily build I can.


if it is what you want, set the cap to “triangle fan” (b280)

I also should have specified that I work on a Mac. I also only have an Apple Wireless Magic Keyboard.

How do you set it? Then how to set up your subdivisions axis, height, radius and subdivisions height?

I pressed F9 and it doesn’t do anything.

I’m on a Mac too.

Click on the little triangle down left or F9 to expand the tool setup.
Modify cap fill type to triangle fan. Play with other values until you’re fine.

As others have said, there is a settings panel that appears in the bottom left side of the screen when you add the cylinder (pressing f9 spawns a window with those same settings under your mouse cursor).

Make sure you don’t move the cylinder or add other objects before changing these settings, otherwise you can’t open this dialog box. Moving it keeps you from changing these settings because blender doesn’t support smart objects by default, but there is an addon called wonder mesh that adds these types of objects:

Completely off-topic (sorry) what theme are you using, it’s pretty awesome :smiley:

And I don’t see that setting panel that others are talking about. Again, let me reiterate, I am new to Blender coming from Maya. F9 does nothing for me. I haven’t moved the cylinder or added other objects either. I’ve only simply added the cylinder.

Sorry do not see that.

Well, I just downloaded Blender so it’s whate the preset theme is.

Yea, you probably went into edit mode right after adding it. I mean you need to change those options immediately after adding it (It can be changed in edit mode, but not after switching modes):

The primitives in blender are not objects that remember they are cylinders with X number of sides and triangle fans for caps. They are just vertices connected to each other by edges, so blender can’t keep track of what object type it is when you do anything at all to them after you add them.

Damn, so what would you recommend I do at this point? Delete the current cylinder then add another one? Should the menu then pop up after adding a new cylinder?

Yea, just delete the vertices for that one in edit mode and add a new one. If you leave the 3d cursor where it is, the new cylinder should be in the same spot, so you don’t need to exit edit mode to change its options.

Okay, that worked. Hopefully I can figure out the rest as far as changing the subdivisions axis and height, radius and height for the cylinder. Thanks for the help!

I hit another snag. This menu doesn’t seem to allow me to add what is referenced in Maya as the Subdivisions Height or I guess in other words, edge loops around the cylinder.

We don’t have that. You’ll have to place those loopcuts in after creating the cylinder using ctrl + r (scrolling the mouse wheel sets the number of cuts).

I’ve done a small video dealing with your initial problem and this, I’ve shown a few things you may find useful. Hope it provides some help.