Newbie - How to separate objects so I can assign different materials?
Please see attached.
motionista logo 04.blend (526 KB)
Newbie - How to separate objects so I can assign different materials?
Please see attached.
motionista logo 04.blend (526 KB)
You can have multiple materials on the one mesh—material-indice
If you want to split off parts of the mesh, select them and in edit mode press P / separate selected.
To answer the question in your annotation “WHY THE SAME?”:
Both objects share the same mesh information. This saves memory when you have lots of identical objects, but you might find it easier to separate them. Go into the Editing buttons (F9) and look at the Link and Materials panel. The name of the mesh of the active object is shown (e.g. cube center). Next to it is the number 2. This shows that 2 objects are using this mesh. Click the 2. This will cause a single-user copy of the mesh to be assigned to this object.
This concept of a datablock that can be shared by several other users can be found throughout Blender (e.g. many objects/meshes can share the same material, several materials can share the same textures, several textures can share the same images, etc.)
Thanks to both. I never figured out why the two objects were the same. So deleted one on them and started again. I intended to just duplicate one and then manipulate it independently from the other. It seems to have worked on the second try. I will go through all the info you’ve both mentioned here. I think what you’ve given me if info on assigning materials but I think the issue here was that I could not get the “P” key to separate the objects. If it’s easy to check from my previously attached .blend file please let me know. Otherwise thank you both very much.
Glad you solved your problem. Further information:
You had 2 different objects before, so pressing P would not make a difference. You were getting confused because both objects shared the same mesh. An object is made up of a mesh (the arrangement of vertices, edges and faces), a set of modifiers, a material, etc. If you follow the instructions in my previous message you will see how to give each object its own mesh.
I had to recreate the file to try what you said earlier. I could not recreated the situation where two objects had the same mesh. I did it accidentally so the opportunity make a “single-user copy” was not possible. I’d like to know how I made a shared mesh?
Shift+D = Add Duplicate. The selected Objects are duplicated
Alt+D = Add Linked Duplicate. Of the selected Objects linked duplicates are created