newbie question

I am getting better at blender, (see my first project at but I want to be able to paint. I know how to texture a whole object, and paint a whole object, but not how to texture or paint just part of an object. I go into pain mode, and I start painting it, but at render time it paints the whole object the last painted color :frowning: help please

watch this vid and then go check out the site and he has another with more detail

can’t see the vid my quicktime won’t work with it… it says I need a third party app to make it run but it doesn’t say which one it just takes me to a long list of third party apps for it… so IDK what to do :frowning:

Right click on the link and download the file to your desktop

gotcha doing that now.

getting the same white screeen…

run a search for the AVI media player, and download it, then you can watch all the videos people post. but you might have to download the to disc with the right click method

VLC player can play almost anything.

VLC, that was the one I was thinking of,
Thanks Egan, I told him the wrong thing.
Sorry bout that lipton lover, I ment VLC player

I found avi player and that worked… the video is kinda confusing but I’ll give it a go. Thanks!