Newbie: Table and plates

Looking at some of the models created by other members I’ve been shy about posting my own work.

I finally got the courage and I am showing one of my models:

The table came straight from an example from Carl Wartman’s (Calli) book.

I added a coupls of plates, a bowl, a spoon, a knife and a fork.

Looking for comments/suggestions/constructive criticism.


First thing, enable OSA.
If you don’t know where that is, it in the display buttons panel (F10) just below the big Render button. Make sure to turn it on, it will make your image look imensly better. You might also want to increase the buffer size on your spot (BufSi) and turn the Soft up a bit. Plus it seems to have missed the back leg.
Other than that, it looks very good, very nice texturing on the table. Looks better than most of my attempts at real life objects.

I know its hard to find the courage to show your work, it took me forever to do it. But now that you have, don’t stop, we love to see new work!


Absolutely no need to be shy about posting THAT ! Appart from the lack of oversampling it’s really good, and definately a lot better than anything of mine.

Maybe you could give the spoon a bit more specularity, to make it look shiny ?

Showing your works its another way to learn or improve blender skills.

Critics (constructive and very subjetive):

  - yes, turn on OSA, the render will be better
  - i think that the spoon should have more spec than the recipient   where it is. Metal shines more than mud or wood.

Keep on!!

Thanks for the tips. I’ll try some of the suggestions and post the results.

and my apologies to Carsten Wartmann for getting his name wrong, I posted just before going to sleep (2:00 am in the morning).

Beta Particle: I wish I could take credit for the table, but all I did was follow an example on Wartmann’s book step by step. Hopefully one day I’ll be able to model realistic objects on my own. Everything else is original.

Thanks all for the words of encouragement.


Turned on OSA, makes a big difference :o, thanks for that tip.

I’m trying to make the spoon shinier, turned hard and specularity all the way up, but it still doen’t look shiny, the bowl still looks a lot more shiny, any tips?


“Blender, its whats for dinner”

Nice work!!! And definatly dont feel scared of posting here, we’re not such a bad band of ogres!!! :wink:


Blend on, and blend well!!!

Hey…good work I’m really impressed. You seem to have a great eye for this. Keep it up and make certain to post more of your work. Looking forward to it. As for the problems…you’ll crack that as you keep learning from the excellent tutorials out there.


nice very nice 8) 8) 8)

turn on oversampling, texture the floor, and make the lamp hi-res.

All right, new version with oversampling on and a (slightly) shinier spoon. I’d like to make it shinier than the bowl, but at least now it looks a bit better.

and the old version for reference:


you could try an env map on the spoon to make it look more chrome, or just fake one with a chrome texture. The plate’s look a little dark, maybe a bit more refl or just make them a bit more white. Otherwise it’s nice work.

Latest changes:

  • Textured the floor
  • Changed the lighting
  • Added a mug
  • moved some of the objects.

I’ll try some of the other suggestions later.


much better!!

Very cool, last one expecially :slight_smile:

One question.

Shadow looks like light it’s coming from a point not much high over the leftmost table corner. And lshadows are very sharp as if there is a single spot.

But I can see three distinct (they are 5, but only 3 independent) specular highlights on the bowl, and 2 on the cup, so I assume there are other light sources which do not cast shadow.

I suggest that you might have also these other lights cast shadow.


Good point, I hadn’t really noticed the specular highlights, oddly, I have only 2 light sources, a spot, and a hemi under the table to simulate ambient light.

I’ll take a look, but it might be day or two until I can get to it, since I’m kind of busy in Real Life™ right now.


Much better. Like the lighting now (those grey shadows in the previous pics were plain ugly! :x )
The only remarks I could give are

  1. Work some more on the materials of the bowl, the cup etc…
  2. The textures on the table are stretched on the sides. Try UV mapping to solve this.
  3. The shadows are a little crispy in some places.
  4. Maybe change the camera angle, and make a nice background…

You have a very good eye. I had not noticed the extra specular highlights until you mentioned it.

Originally I was using ambient light, but it was creating the “plain ugly” gray shadows, so I removed the ambient light, and the shadows became totally black.

I added a second light source to simulate ambient light, I tried to use a “standard” lamp but you could see the light reflecting from the floor, I tried each type of lamp, and a hemi seemed to create the effect I was looking for (simulate ambient light), plus the shadows looked much better.

However, you can see those extra specular highlights on the bowl and cup. Is there any way I can place extra light sources and avoid creating specular highlights on shiny surfaces?

Thanks in advance for any help,

Actually I’m not concerned much wioth those highlights… you can keep them… if you add shadows for that light :wink:

You can try to use many very low power emis scattered around… or try to learn radiosity :slight_smile:


Everyone here was too nice to
say anything, but I was aware the fork sucked, so I created a new one, still not perfect, but IMHO a bit better than the previous one.I’ll try to work on fixing the lighting next (lighting is much tougher than I thought). Currently there’s a hemi right
under the table, for some unknown reason (at least for a newbie like me), that hemi is causing the extra specular highlights. AFAIK, only spots produce shadows, so simply replacing the hemi with a spot doesn’t work (the hemi is right under the table). I
experimented with a second spot but I didn’t get any acceptable results.
