Newt Scamander

With another Fantastic Beasts movie around the corner and Return to Hogwarts coming out in a two weeks I decided to create Fantastic beasts’ main character Newt Scamander with another look. This time I wanted to push stylization even more than in other things I have been making. The biggest challenge here was definitely hair, although I wanted to simplify everything and base many features on 2D style design, Newt’s hairstyle is very messy so I had to experiment and find the right balance of detail.

Here you can check out some close up renders:

As always you can find some more stuff in the project!


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

you do model commissions?

amazing modeling! the interpretation of the character is great too and i love the lighting! my favorite part is the shoes though, the geometry looks so clean! all textures are spot on great work.

Lovely project! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: