"Next Gen" is now released on Netflix worldwide, Let me know your thoughts!

Today is the day “Next Gen”, an animated movie made in blender, finally comes out for the world to see!

You can watch it on netflix here:

Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts on the movie


Congrats i will watch this,blender deserve more animation movies of this quality

Well, I watched 12 minutes, and now i have to go, but man, they really went heavy on the bloom! It makes the title somewhat ironic given that extra bloom was the classic “next gen” look when the Xbox 360 and PS3 were new. :stuck_out_tongue:

Other than that it’s super cool so far! :smiley:

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I figured they used Houdini for those explosions etc.

Explosions were a mix of FumeFX and Houdini, Water sims I think were Houdini? but most of the explosions for the ending act of the movie were rendered in cycles (imported using the newly implemented OpenVDB functionality from our devs)

You could definitely nit-pick the visuals of this movie but I am still super proud of what we were able to pull off with such a low budget and a very VERY tight schedule.


Just watched the fitst 25 minutes. Definitely gona watch the rest later. Looking really good so far - not just visually but also good storytelling and comedy. Sure there are plenty of things to nitpick, but overall I’m impressed!

Edit: Watched it fuly now. Great Style, great Ending, great movie! :muscle::robot::+1:

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Not seen it yet, but it looks very good. The explosions look a bit weird, but everything else, from character design and animation up to colour and atmosphere looks on a par with the big studios.

That’s what I figured. So none of that critique is on Blender essentially and Houdini is capable of literally anything it seems.

Great job on those effects. I think they look good.

Just finished watching this secretly at my desk at work.

I thought that I could just peek at it and watch the rest later, but I got into it. My expectations for the movie were mixed. I thought based on what I saw from the trailer that the visuals would be stunning, and a proper showcase of what we all know Blender, and cycles, can do - but I was skeptical of the story.

I think the end product exceeded my expectations both visually and, more importantly, the story. The animation, specifically things like timing and little nuanced movements, were great. The physical humour was pretty awesome, and I think overall it was just really polished. The story also surprised me, it ended up feeling less familiar than I had expected, and I liked that it was still fun and full of humour, but had some pretty mature undertones. I like the revolving themes of the human condition, definitely kept me engaged.

I also just realized that my work is like a 3 min walk from Tangent, so, represent, yo.


At 24:17, why are they shaking their left hands? So rude!

On the plus, the bloom has subsided :smiley:

And the explosions were lovely. I liked them :smiley:

I really liked the movie. Beautiful on every way.

Question: do anyone knows where the post production and comp were done?

comp was also done at Tangent, the lighting artists also comp’ed the shots in blender (also all the motion-graphics in the movie were done at Tangent in After-Effects)

DI color-grading was done at Techni-color

Incredible. How they managed the lack of caching on compositor?

by doing as much in camera and as little in comp as possible. I’m gonna be honest, the blender compositor is severely lacking and was a pain in the butt to use on the movie when many other software packages do a significantly better job.

Hopefully after this movie the compositor in blender gets an actual re-write from the ground up to actually be a good compositor.


I hope so. It would be nice to have an improved compositing system inside Blender.

Just finished watching “Next Gen.” Tangent Animation did a really good job with the film. Animation work’s pretty good. I like the story. Kudos to House of Cool for the storyboard work. You all in Tangent have done a fantastic job of pushing Blender to the limits in a commercial animation production pipeline.
Looking forward to seeing more work from Tangent and its talented crew!

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Wow. Visuals we’re great. Lots of great movement and camera work. Pleasantly surprised with many of the ideas from a story standpoint and generally I found the sequences really inventive. If I wasn’t as into the various story beats, maybe I would have paid more attention to the issues others have pointed out, but I have to be honest, I was to busy enjoying the story. And as a fellow Animator and filmaker, isn’t that what we want :smiley: cheers for a great piece of entertainment!!


Hey guys! BRAVO!!! Absolutely amazing visuals and animations! Knocked that out of the park. Its cool to see something full length on par in quality with a lot of the top tier studios.

I’m not sure who is responsible for the story or writing but…

You spend almost no time letting us connect with the character and get to know her. Understand her struggle. An important story moment is shoved out of the way incredibly quickly in order to make room for tone-deaf violence and cringey jokes. So your main character tends to come off less as a damaged girl and more of a manipulative violent little brat.

Instead of growing through her journey, and showing us emotional development, you guys basically have these weird moments where she just flips on a dime.

You guys also milk the emotional imagery too.

The Villain is almost entirely forgettable. You don’t give him any sort of interesting backstory, or connect him with the main character in any meaningful way. He just becomes another obstacle for this girl to fight, another way to let out her aggression instead of learning about herself. I mean, she even manipulates her robot to feel bad for trying to do whats best for her.

The two obvious comparisons that can be made here are big hero 6, and I robot weirdly enough.

In BH6 we connected with Hiro because we saw a directionless boy. We got to see him become closer to his brother, connect with a passion and THEN we felt the loss of his world crashing around him. The emotion was earned. The audience felt for him and when he lashed out it felt genuine. Then the true villain came out, who was also a neat dimensional character.

In your movie we saw an angry girl, who stayed angry for almost the entire duration. This script felt like a first draft that should have been heavily revised.

But, despite that. You guys also had some great moments in there too. I don’t mean to sound condescending or anything. This is just my observation of a movie compared to the greats in the genre.

Wow Iam really impressed with the animation quality really on par with the big studios productions
And by far the most stunning animation movie created on blender ,
Facial expressions,lip sync,over all the characters animation was top notch

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Wow … just finished watching! Love the story. Absolutely amazing work! Congratulations!

I would love to try to build my first cartoon model in blender. I was thinking about the model “Mai” … any references you guys can share? :slight_smile:

Note: I have found references for the robot model but not for the model “Mai”… https://www.cartoonbrew.com/feature-film/a-behind-the-scenes-look-at-the-art-of-netflixs-next-gen-exclusive-gallery-163673.html