Neytiri WIP (with .blend)

I liked very much the eyelids I modelled, but Neytiri have not those eyelids so I removed them. I can’t figure what reference images of her I was looking when modelling them but all the photos I was looking at now show a very simple eyelid area. I also deleted edgeloops in other zones. I will continue in the eye area yet tomorrow.

Looks great so far. I look forward to seeing some texturing, that should really sell it.

Continued to work in the eye area and some corrections to the jaw again. The old image is the one used in the previous post as OLD so we can compare the actual face to the one before working in the eye area.
Well I think it improved, more youth and more Neytiriness now. Next will be working on the ear interior and then back to arms, elbow, hands.

A stereo view of the new face

ahh looks great … nice work. … id like to see it textured …

I still want to break her ears off. They are so stiff looking, and that earring hole doesn’t make it look less stiff. The eyes looks much better!

I want to see some hair, and textures of course! This model deserves to end up in the gallery.

I need finish the mesh before or it would be waste work. I am very confident in that if it starts to look well it will be much better with hair and textures on her, much more like Neytiri. But who knows the degree of likeliness that will come out of this.

Yes, ears are yet not right, a improve but not organic yet. I will focus now on the ear interior and I will touch the exterior too.
Hair and textures will start when the mesh modelling ends. Ear, arms, elbows, hands, feet are next. Then a rigging and posing her to correct proportions and then I will start texturing.

Great work Bao2. The head looks right on, and like you said the ears need minor tweaking.
This will be a great piece… I am watching your awesome progress on this, keep up the good work.

A little update in the shape of the ears, mainly to test the “stereo” mode to compare old and new meshes. I am looking to make a stereo turntable now.

Click here for a 1.8Mb version

Ear finished and also changed the lateral of the nose.
Now I go to work on the arm.

Old file removed.

This week I couldn’t work on the mesh. But found some time to test steps for converting textures from human to navi. I did several tries and it was not as simple as I thought. My actual election is this one that I show on a photo of Zoe Saldana, but I am not satisfied yet, seems to me it needs a little green now.
Well, today I will continue to work on the arm so I hope tomorrow I can post a new retopologized arm with better hand too.

This is the original photo in case someone wants to try too (I would love someone posting a better solution than mine).
My steps were these:
Open gimp and duplicate the layer. Layer 1 below and Layer 2 above.
Layer 1: Colors/colorize: Hue 214
Layer 2: Colors/color balance: RGB -19 +3 +35 for shadows and the same for midtones.
Set layer 2 at 16% opacity and collapse layers with Flatten Image.
Now Colors/ hue saturation, check “C”, set overlap in 50 and saturation in 25.

I didn’t tried yet the “tiger strips” but I suppose it is only a gamma thing and perhaps some more blue.

Well I downloaded the .blend, popped it into zbrush and, well all i can say is well done! There seems to be a slight issue with the smoothing on the corners of the mouth however. Apart from that the mesh was a real beaut to work with and sculpted very nicely. I might post up some of the sculpt results later when i regain access to my mac with the files (on holiday currently).

All i can say here is keep it up, I’ve been following since day one on cgtalk and here and you’ve done a great job so far. Please don’t let this one go, it would be such a shame considering the amount of effort you’ve already invested.

Don’t worry it will be finished and I always keep my word. But I already said that 3D is my hobby and sometimes I have little time along the week and only can on weekends.

I just bought a new computer and I was installing and testing so no time to blender these days.

Well back again to this wip.
Work on hand and the rib cage area. Hand is small than it must be I think, I will look at that.

I didn’t like the rib cage so I modified it again as shown in the image on the right.
In the center image you can see the exterior of the hand compared to Neytiri hand. I didn’t liked Neytiri one so I decided not to follow references and create a “more natural hand” than extremely weak one she has in the center image below.

But now look at the left image below: Neytiri hand seems completely different to the center one. Now the fingers are smaller than in the center one and my version has fingers larger compared to the rest of the hand. i don’t know if this is perspective or if this is a different hand than in center picture or if the rigging of the hand they did creates great variations in their shape or what?

Great work on the hands, keep it up.

Working on the teeth. I think she is smiling in this render. :stuck_out_tongue: I think she looks now like a wolf. LOL

Awesome job! BAO2, hey the hand looks great if your going for the same pose, the thumbs a little more stressed as she is double jointed.ha keep it up!!!