Neytiri WIP (with .blend)

those legs are pretty good too bad there not gona be part of the model. one crit i have is that you should smooth out the bottom corner of the lips just go into sculpt mode and smooth 'em out thats what i do when i have sharp corners on my models

Hey, Bao2! I finally saw Avatar today, and your model looks great! KUTGW!

The knee has a lot of “bumps” and is very dificult to replicate with polygon modeling. I hope it will be better when displacement modifier applies the sculpting I will do to fix some areas.

The mouth has a crease so I could see better the lips, just lower it will fix it (but I will do these details when the mesh is finalished).

I hope it was in 3D, the thing I most enjoyed were the “flies” flying around and the volumetric lights from the Sun through the forest. Someone said it looks like Angeline Jolie so it needs much more work on the face yet (but I am focusing now on legs I was bored of the face. Why the hell James Cameron didn’t choose make a world of machines, it is much easier!!! :p)

KUTGW ??? I don’t speak na’vi !!!

Well, time to update.

In post #30 of this thread Meriabo posted this image with corrections to do:

And this is the new mesh to compare and see the changes: (I changed things in shoulders, clavicle area, feet, hands, legs, hips and size of the head). I think I am going to fix again the knee because it still looks strange (in side view where it joins the lower leg). After that I will go to the ear and after that to the elbow area.

I was looking in google for other Neytiri WIP to see how other people face and solve the mesh problems and see other proportions too and I found two that I like.

This one in 2D I like because the composition with a banshee is a damn good idea. I love that composition image (the last image in that page).

This one in 3D is loving (see also the first page to see the start) but I think she has human proportions very noticeable in the head and hips. But I love the sculpting he did in many areas.

Nice. Something about the ears seems off. Are they too far away from the head? It doesn’t quite seem relaxed. Also, the shin looks like you just need to rotate it a little more to the left so that it doesn’t look disconnected from the thigh in side view. Is the ridge down her back supposed to be that creased? Lastly, are her fingers/forearms long enough? I feel they should be a bit longer, and maybe thicker too. Looks great!

Btw, KUTGW means “Keep up the great work!”

haha, I too sometimes begin modelling by drawing lines (edges) in 3D, both front and side. Nice modelling, keep it up.

Yep, there’s no such thing as freedom of speech in a moderated forum. OTOH, a CG forum is not a place to discuss politics, religion and all other non-CG stuff.

The ears are a little too big I think. The position will be corrected when rigged.
The angle you say I corrected just after looking to the side view in my post. One thing that “discourages” me is all the time I spend in create a good leg and then when ported to Neytiri it almost look exactly as it was before. :mad: All the leg and the ass is completely new and I hoped it would improve much more. But well… at least it is with much better topology now to animate (but probably I will change some things in the laterals of the knee to show the tendons when bending) that I have not created the mesh right for that.
Yes the ridge in the back is very creased but more wider and a little more smooth. I agree completely in the hands and fingers, they are bigger and larger and thicker. I think I am going to create a quick rig to pose her and be able to compare with photos.
I will post images to all of you be able to critize comparing with the photos.

I think I am now going to create a lighting setup and record a video of the way I do it. I think many people will find interesting how I do it. Also I plan to record some “tips and tricks” I use when modeling.

The lines help to get an idea of the volume and proportions. But there are things like the legs that I just create an cylinder of eight vertices and then extrude and scale and rotate each section looking to front and side photo references. I not use edge lines always.

I was not discussing politics nor religion, etc. I was following a thread about Avatar and someone “ridiculed” to other that said that the movies were faked. I didn’t ridiculed him, I pay much attention to every word I alwasy write to not offend anyone. So my words that got me banned from CGTalk were: “Do you realize they were simply movies right?”

I had the same signature I have here in blenderartists “9/11 was an inside job” and I was oblied by Leigh (a moderator girl) to delete it. Why? Because I was talking about 9/11? No, I was talking about what Blender and open projects are in the world. I was explaining the world is changing and things are not going to be the way they were anymore. Many of the things I said that I think are going to happen creates panic (not even fear but panic) in many people. The girl closed that thread (about the future of blender), said that it was absolute bullshit and wrote me a private message to say I delete my signature or get banned. What the hell had to do “9/11 was an inside job” with that? She was just trying to get rid of me and searching for an excuse, like I not agreeing in deleting my signature.
In the world there are control freaks. They do it because fear moves their lifes. They are just fear walking people. Fear comes when you get rid of truth.

The lines help to get an idea of the volume and proportions. But there are things like the legs that I just create an cylinder of eight vertices and then extrude and scale and rotate each section looking to front and side photo references. I not use edge lines always.

I was not discussing politics nor religion, etc. I was following a thread about Avatar and someone “ridiculed” to other that said that the movies were faked. I didn’t ridiculed him, I pay much attention to every word I alwasy write to not offend anyone. So my words that got me banned from CGTalk were: “Do you realize they were simply movies right?”

I had the same signature I have here in blenderartists “9/11 was an inside job” and I was oblied by Leigh (a moderator girl) to delete it. Why? Because I was talking about 9/11? No, I was talking about what Blender and open projects are in the world. I was explaining the world is changing and things are not going to be the way they were anymore. Many of the things I said that I think are going to happen creates panic (not even fear but panic) in many people. The girl closed that thread (about the future of blender), said that it was absolute bullshit and wrote me a private message to say I delete my signature or get banned. What the hell had to do “9/11 was an inside job” with that? She was just trying to get rid of me and searching for an excuse, like I not agreeing in deleting my signature.
In the world there are control freaks. They do it because fear moves their lifes. They are just fear walking people. Fear comes when you get rid of truth.

Brainwashed is a better word to use. Anyway don’t discuss this, it will only make this thread get closed. I like your model very much, keep working on it :smiley:

Yes, I will not speak here anymore about that. Sorry.

Well… I was looking today at the rig for the braids and I solved at last the problem with the gimbal lock. Just changing the up axis in each bone from Y to X did the trick. Now it goes beautiful.

The rig is simply a softbody. Some emptys parented to vertices of that softbody. Then bones with a track to constraint to each empty. These bones were using up axis Y and changing them to X makes them work great. The bones have several subdivision (B-bones segments) each one. From looking at Neytiri pics I can see they used four controls I think, so I will use four too.

This project is going to be absolutely awsome!!! Keep up the good work here!!

I have converted many triangles in the face to quads, but that came with the adition of more edgeloops, and so the mesh has many vertices now and that is not something I like.
The mesh in the eye area (mainly near the nose) is not yet like I want it but I took a break and tried some texture on the eye. This iris is much like an human iris with all those fibers and so. Probably I will change it. The white of the eye is without texturing yet but I think this WIP was needing some update.

Wow Bao, this is coming along amazingly! Your hard work is really showing through. I do think there’s a few edge loops that wouldn’t hurt to remove, but they’re certainly not hurting anything either. Overall flow though is fantastic. I like that you captured her and she’s very recognizable.

I’m really liking this. Avatar is one of the best movies ever and it’s nice to see someone modelling Neytiri. Just remember that she has only one ear gauge when you finish up the model :slight_smile:

Awesome work

Yes, this WIP was started in another forum (explained in my first posts) and I said there that I was using the mirror modifier but the ear ring is only on one ear and I will fix that when collapsing the mesh.

One thing I didn’t said in the post above is that the eye iris is ready to work in day and night. In night the iris has more light.

Yes, as someone said, my Angelina Jolie is already looking great! :yes:

I finished the eye texturing (but probably I will change it to less iris-human-like and more cat-like like Neytiri has, and also different iris for each eye perhaps). I will focus now again around the eye area and after that the inside of the ear.
What is an Avatar WIP without 3D! :

Amazing dude! Are you still interested in doing an animation with my thanator and your avatar model? If so I must warn you my topology on my thanator is not as amazing as your model.

It’s getting better and better! I’m not pro on how these aliens look. But after sitting watching that gif animation for awhile. I get a weird feeling of wanting to break that ear off. It looks a bit like one of those action figures you had as a kid. And some of them had ears etc, that you eventually bent until they broke off.

Maybe the reason I get this urge, is because it doesn’t look like it’s connected in a stable way to the head. You would think that with such ears, and such a small connection between the head and the ear. The muscles wouldn’t be strong enough to make it stand erected like that. It doesn’t look as organic as the head. If it had another shape you could maybe mistake it for some kind of antenna or something.

But other than the ear, the model is perfect.

Your model looks wonderful and it would be great doing something with both models.

Yes, I will work on the ear and I agree the connection with the body doesn’t look good, too “flat”. I will check that with the references, and post them too. The face needs work on the eye area and more on the area between the eye and jaw. I also was downloading teeths references so I will start with teeths soon. I know I am jumping from this to that without finishing but it is boring work once and again on the same area, it is much funny to see grow and going to refine things. Next will be arms and next will be feet and hands that just now are still frankestein appends from other model. Hands were already tweaked but I plan do them well because will show in renders probably holding a bow or so. I don’t feel just now an urge to start texturing and only did the eyes to surprise the daughter of my sister (4 years old) that was always telling “she has not eyes” (no tiene ojos! ) and this time she said: oooooh! sí que tiene ojos! :stuck_out_tongue: