Created in 2021 - 26 June
“A2” personal project stylized 3d sculpt by Yuditya Afandi based on concept by Sean Tay. I made a lot of my own tweak on the outfit design to fit my vision of the character.
Concept art :
Studio/client : stylized character, sculpture
Software : Blender 2.93, Zbrush, Substance Painter, Photoshop
Tasks :
- Modelling
- Sculpting
- Texturing
- Rendering
When : June 2021
Comment :
I made this A2 sculpture from Nier Automata based on initial design/concept art by Sean Tay. It’s a personal project that I wanted to have a lot of my creative freedom to put into the artwork so I made a lot of my own tweak to the original design to fit my vision on how I want her to look. Definitely had a lot of fun working on it. Sculpting done in Blender, Highres details sculpting done in Zbrush, texturing done Substance Painter, rendering done in Cycles, and final images composited in Photoshop. If you have any feedback please just let me know. That’s about it. Take it easy guys!
Explained breakdown video on how I made it :
Artstation link :
Thank you very much!