as soon as i saw it i modelled it too here in the studio during the lunch break, bloody fantastic, i waited forever for the gamecube when i was younger, and i think the day i got the N64 for christmas age 10 was the best christmas ever. I’m glad to see people feel the same way about it. I think its great that there is a company that will not copy but innovate =D Squaresoft imo do that with film and CG, Nintendo with videogames. they take risks and try things, even though if it doesnt work so well, in 2 years later on it will become absolutely needed for something.
I’ve been workig on the button labels and such in photoshop.
I rendered an isometric top view of the faceplate and went from there.
I actually found the font Nintendo’s using for the controller: Century Gothic I lolled a bit when i found out they were using that of all things
anyways, i came up with this in the end…
… but i’ve run into some texture problems.
as far as i know, PNG is the only image format whose alpha transparency is used by blender for textures. i use that a lot in my internal renders.
the problem is, Yafray won’t support PNG files as textures.
now, I’m lucky because my contriller is white ahyways, so it doesn’t look any different, but what about when i chage the conrtoller’s colors? or what about if i put a texture under it? it won’t show up without alpha active.
so does anyone know an image format that can use alpha transparency and also is valid in yafray?
I had previously abandoned this project because I wanted to render in yafray. Sadly, this could not be. I wanted to be able to change colors, and have alpha channels working in my texture images.
Well, screw yafray.
That’s right.
I don’t need it anyways.
here’s a little recap, with updated, better images:
Yafray. Weird glass materials. too lazy to go back and fix.
This was months ago. I gave up.
A week ago. I found out in another work that I’m about to post how to work some alpha into my texture usage. I then changed over to Blender’s internal renderer.
Well, if you want to continue with Yafray, which is obvious you don’t, I suggest you fix the normals in the glass material. That’s what’s causing the “reflection,” it’s the normals. And recalculating normals won’t do anything, you have to have the outside faces facing outward (which they probably do) and then make the inside normals face inward (which is the problem).
Wii Wii!!! Naming the ‘Revolution’ the Wii is one of the strangest choices Nintendo seems to have made but it fits with all of their other creative ideas, including this controller. It looks pretty good as is but the controller has changed a bit since you started this project based off the prototype. This image shows what I believe to be a newer version of the controller.