Nintendo Revolution Controller: drooling while texturing

I swear I almost crapped my pants when i saw this.

and I just had to model it.

Started 10 minutes ago. more to come.

i got a bit ahead of myself. the mesh was way too rough.

i started the clean way:
coming along quite nicely.


I love you.

Good start. I like it because it’s Nintendo too…

(You beat me for a few hours… I was going to try one and post it too…

:smiley: )

made some more progress last night.

but i passed out in my chair at 2 AM

so this is what i did:


I like the model. Looks pretty good so far. On a side note, I don’t know how the Nintendo is expecting to make games that have any complexity with only two buttons, and only using one hand. I guess we’ll see.

The remote plugs into a controller unit.

AND the whole thing is made for extra peripherals. you can control using the motion and direction sensing AS WELL as and conventional gaming.

think about the possibilities, people.

it’s gonna be SWEET.

I’m gonna use booleans (with the new system!!!) to make make the holes once i get the buttons and lights all placed.

more to come.


Well, I got a good start last weekend, but school decided to inundate me with… well, school.

stupid senior year with AP classes and too many extracurriculars…


here’s my marathon mesh finishing that i started at midnight and finished…

wait! it’s almost 3?! crap. i got a bit caried away, didn’t I?

well, I’ve got all the external modeling done. I’ll stop lollygagging and post up this image:

And from another angle:
I’m too tired to move the lights around so just deal with those shadows.

Materials and YAFCrap comes later. Hopefully tomorrow.
good night.


Anyone else find it difficult to enjoy modeling on the default blue background? Please pick a color that makes your model pop a little more. This is actually a little bit of a strain on the eyes, albeit a common one amongst Blender users.

I would suggest a white background perhaps. Something bright will make your model look more like the nintendo advertising anyway.

About the modeling: pretty darn good. Looks a lot like the original. Your camera view however…we’ll likely never be THIS close to it unless we’re trying to find a crumb of food we lost inside. I know you’re showing off the modeling but in my mind it actually makes it difficult to see how realistic the model looks.

The material also doesn’t match the controller. I believe yours is too shiny so decreasing hardness might be in order. Good luck :slight_smile:

well, i haven’t even started on materials yet. I’m getting ready to start on that in a few minutes.

And about the blue background: you know, I never really thought of that. I rarely even render during modeling. i only do so for forum posting. I don’t bother with anything like that until i get to the stage i am in right now: making it all look pretty.

This one’s for you, Desoto:
buttons still need materials.


imho a light gey background could fit better with this object,but i’ve to agree with desoto that the default blue background is often a crap choice :stuck_out_tongue:

very clean model btw

THAT is much better. I can’t wait till you finish the color on the buttons. Nice work! Big improvement over that terrible blue. Thanks!

I’m still quite a noob with Blender 3d and I think you’re object looks great.

The way I would have modelled this is the first way you started. How did you do it the second time? I don’t know, but it looks clean and I would like to learn how.

:-? Irregular:


Starter: yeah, it took me forever to find those normals and fix it. I also found this random extra triagle-shaped face. weird, but i got rid of it.


I want to get my material for it to look like this…
…but that glossy-coat look’s gonna be killer to get perfect.


I dont know if you missed my post or what but I would really like to know how you do it.

BTW, it’s looking great!

yeah, sorry, i was getting around to answering that.

what i did first was a try at what i like to call the “LightWave method”. in lightwave (which i tried for a week and gave up), you don’t build vertices. instead you take a basic shape and mold it down to what you want. I hated that method. i gave up on that in about ten minutes.

now, the way i modeled the controller is the way i model most of my stuff. it’s a method that SCW (he’s making the Civic hatchback right now) taught me over a year ago. i took some liberties with it but i like how it works out. what i do it once i get the reference shots or blueprints, i build, slowly, from front to back, extending verts and molding, making sure i have all quads. i also have subsurfs turned on the whole time, so it stays smooth.

i’ve gotten so used to my style that i just don’t question it.

try it if you want, but you have to practice and get you own working method.

I’ve been working with blender for… wow. more than five years! it takes time.

and i’m not anywhere near as good as some of the other guys here.

just keep at it. blender is awesome, as you’ll continue to increasingly find out.


I also really like the way you model, kind of like applying a skin. So, do you just start with a small plane, and start extruding from there? What do you do when you get to an area that needs alot of detail?