NLA baked sound only increase?

I have a baked sound that moves location x of an object. The object moves back and forth with the waveform shape of the baked sound. But I only want it to move when the waveform is increasing in value. So there is a cumulative effect, so the object will not move backwards, only cumulatively forwards. How to do that?

Hello and welcome to the forum!

I’d use a pydriver to do this. A small bit of python code that runs every time the driver is evaluated.

py_driver_example1.blend (888.8 KB)

When you open that file, if you are prompted to allow execution of scripts, confirm that you do. Then click on the ‘run’ button at the top of the text editor, then click on ‘Update Dependencies’ button in the driver editor window. Hit the spacebar and watch it work.

Doesn’t work if you move the current frame backwards, but resets itself at frame 1.

Feel free to ask questions…

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thanks. ive.made.30+ scripts and custom panels with the help of gpt4. i was trying to get it to give different ways of doing this but it wasnt very good on this one. Luckily i found the obvious answer that is right infront of you when you bake a sound to samples. on the right are the controls for attack release etc. there is an accumilative checkbox. done.haha_ sometimes its just staring you in the face.