"No Active Asset" blender 4.2

I saw in the developer forum that this problem had been resolved in blender 3.0

I really like the new version so far!

Here I am saving assets for the first time and I am having trouble finding an answer.

I tried selecting, I tried creating NLA action strip, I tried jumping to the appropriate keyframe, I tried pose mode and object mode, any intrepretation of active and selected object I could think of.

Am I going to need to write Python Code. If so any advice on where to start on that as a novice python user?


You should change your title :

  • version 4.2 is an alpha
  • version 4.1 is a beta
  • according to your screenshot your version is the (current) version 4.0.2

:blue_heart: :blender_logo_64_png:

Your first question is whether you need to use Python, but you haven’t told us what you are trying to do and what you did already.

It seems you want to add an asset into the Asset Browser. Have you looked at tutorials on how to create assets?

If so:

Which data block are you meaning to turn into an asset?
Have you marked it as asset already, how did you try and how did it go?

I figured out how to do this. On blender 4.1 Here is how:
1: set the file path by navigating to Preferences–> File Paths
2: Set the pose and re-save the file as a new name (while in pose mode)
3: Access the pose in the asset brower (right click and choose apply pose)

I got this from a tutorial for blender 3.0 so I guess nothing has changed too much.