No carriage returns?

I seem to be unable to use carriage returns. Fedora 14, Firefox 4, NoScript, but allowing E.g. this should be two carriage returns down. This should be another separate paragraph.

If I use the enhanced interface I get the same thing. It might be additional items that NoScript blocks, but not sure.

I eventually settled for the basic editor instead.

Pretty sure it is NoScript. I get the same thing unless I allow the page.

Perhaps the version for Firefox 4 has slightly different behaviour.

Firefox 3.6.17
Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit

Basic editor??

By playing some more, I’ve found that <br / > works

Can’t be google-analytics, nor buysellads, so maybe it’s netdna-cdn that is needed for carriage returns? First forum I’ve ever encountered that needed 3rd party javascript enabled to get carriage returns!

You can change your editor type in your control panel ( Just look under “Miscellaneous Options”, choices are Enhanced Interface, Standard Editor and Basic Editor.

thanks for this great product
When I create an invoice, add a product/service, add a multi-line description, and save the invoice, it appears that all carriage returns are stripped out when the invoice is displayed. When I edit the invoice the carriage returns show up correctly.
Is this a know bug?
Can anyone offer a fix, as one of our clients is finding it hard to read the descriptions im putting in.