No Christmas without Christ

Killer: I think the point I’m trying to make is that any time is a good time to celebrate the birth of jesus. I don’t see why you’re so focused on not having the exact date right. Do you celebrate his birth in September since that is more accurate? Not all traditions are bad, and if there is a date set aside to celebrate Jesus birth, then I’m all for it even if the date itself is not perfectly accurate.

I also have very similar beliefes as cyborg dragon, so killer you and must have similar beliefes too. So let’s just stop arguing over small things like celebrating Christmas or not :slight_smile:

Celebrating xmas is a huge difference though, and I’m not arguing, I’m just giving my input. Also, fine, go “celebrate his birth”, but why give gifts and get gives for the birth of Jesus? Makes no sense at all…

I understand that you don’t celebrate Christmas and now I understnd why. There’s just one more thing I don’t understand. What is the harm in celebrating it, what is the harm in giving to eachother? Why are you so adimantly against it? As you mentioned earlier, don’t give gifts if you don’t want to give. Well you should know that lots of people do want to give. Not every one just likes to get things for themselves. If you do, I’m sorry, cuz you’re missing out. Giving to others is the whole reason Jesus came to earth in the first place. He came to die for us which is by far the best possible gift. I think part of the reason we give gifts is to remember that.

You’re right. Giving gifts has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus, and it indeed would be incorrect to teach that December 25th is the true birth of Christ. I know you’ll probably defend yourself, but it sounds like you are saying that the holidays should not be celebrated because they are not accurate. And you used the phrase, “is a very pagan holiday.” Was. Not is. Is there something wrong with turning something “pagan” into something “holy?” Redemption is what Christian salvation is all about. Even out of religion, there is the saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” And why not?

It’s true, there are many things in almost all holidays that should not be associated with the true meaning of the holiday, but does that make it worth arguing over on a 3D Art forum, against the rules?

On topic, the only real crit I can think of is that the nativity seems a bit small for all the stuff that isn’t there.

One mention of anything religious and the whole thread becomes a stupid argument… Eh
You guys should know better, now stop spamming RobertT’s thread with this crap.

Anyways I think it looks great, especially the tinsel, looks very real.
Great work :slight_smile:

Err… the name of the image itself invokes religion and religious language in that it suggests you can’t have Christmas without Christ (see also what the theme was for the WC challenge he origionally planned to enter this in), the current religious discussion is somewhat related with the implied religious theme of this image, so I don’t think it’s totally out of bounds.

But then again part of your response could be typical of someone who’s an athiest (which you have said quite some time ago you are one).

I think It looks awsome.

Well I guess it’s not christmas without christ :wink: because christ wasn’t born on christmas :wink:

I think the reason Jesus isnt in the picture is the three wise men took him off to the pub to get away from this thread. :smiley:

Brian: “I am Not the Messiah”
Arthur: “I say you are Lord, and I should know I’ve followed a lot”

… I alway thought you had to grow out of believing in fairy tales some time or the other
interesting pic not a fan of your use of colour too saturated and all too primary the are all jumping for my attention at the moment but 4stars from me.

wouldn’t surprise me…

but seriously though, this is an amazing piece of artwork!!! I especially like how the lights look like the crown of thorns and the light shadow of jesus on the cross inside the stable…

It makes me remember a few years ago i asked a small child what christmas is all about and they simply replied “Presents”…

anyway, again, great work 5 stars

It was about time my desktop got an updated BG… thanks!

True that. The church wanted to gain control over said heathens and Christmas was born on the day the heathens were getting a bit worried because it was the middle of the winter and they were afraid the sun would stop rising or something.

Great work Robert especially with the procedural materials. The tinsel is great!

Ciao for now!


Regarding your glitter texture, very nice. I actually did my own glitter texture recently, but I used a picture of glitter I found online, uv mapped around the object with spec and ref turned up.

I think I actually like your method better. :slight_smile:


as tp8000cfv would say: "I think ‘[killer]’ is on a ‘soap box’ "

no offence please!

regards, Hewi

I just noticed that only one of the lightbulbs has a glass cover.

Symbolistic of the star of Bethlehem Im guessing?

Its cool when images like this have heaps of hidden bits to pick out. Makes the picture enjoyable even when you view it more than once.

Very nice made. You should get some ornaments on a white background and share/sell it as Christmas cards, they look very good.

I love the message in this piece. Subtle but strong. I get it…

Very nice render, amazing procedurals (very good Blender wood) and great message against consumerism. Though I also feel perhaps putting the whole bunch in there – Jesus, his parents, the sheep and cows – would’ve been a lot of work. Nice excuse… :wink:

-=Killer=-, you look and sound indeed very dark, depressive, gothic and all. Perhaps a sunbath could improve your mood… :slight_smile:

Did nobody read what I wrote? I explained the whole thing.