No "Map Input"?

Hey guys, I know this is a stupid question but I was following a cogfilms tutorial the one on
New Ocean techniques. And on the part where it says to add an empty and then go to map input I didn’t see map input. Here’s a screen-

If anyone has any ideas of why it’s not there could you let me know? Thank you.


There will be no MapInput on the Empty, select the object to be Textured, and there must be a Texture on that object for MapInput to show.


Right, but here it seems like he says go to map input on the empty, right?


I can’t open either of your links, but I know how it works; you want to map a texture to (lets say) a Mesh Object. You have the choices of ORCO (Coordinates of the Object’s Origin), UV, Global, Window etc… and Object (Input the mapping to the Coordinates of the origin of Another Object). That other object will be (in this case) an Empty. Empties don’t have links to Materials because they have no geometry to Render. Maybe he fluffed on the screen capture or something so don’t worry too much about the pic, as long as you understand the procedure.


Gotcha, thanks for the help. :cool:
