No Service

Finished my latest project: “No Service”

I also created this animated reel for instagram, but its also available on youtube:
YouTube Short
Instagram Reel

Links to my socials:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Awesome work! love the montage

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Thanks so much!

Thanks a lot! Really appreciate it!

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This is really nice work and pretty wonderful to look at. However, I am kinda baffled by two things: 1) The face is a skeleton but the hand has flesh…huh?.. 2) The hand is posed in way that is seemingly impossible if one were to follow the laws of physics and what we know about how dead folks come to rest in their final position. Flesh or no flesh, I would argue that his hand would absolutely come to rest beside him. Otherwise, really kickass piece though! Bravo mate!

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Thanks so much! I’m glad you mentioned it. I had tried a version where all parts where skeleton, which to me looked very odd. It seemed like the whole body didn’t fit anymore. When I tried skull only, it simply looked better to me, not logical at all, but I liked the look. It makes it a bit mysterious as well, like what could have happened to the guy, where only his face is missing? And you’re totally right about the hand pose. I was just looking for a good way to put the phone in the frame, physics aside ^^ But I already learned a lot since making this. Especially that people notice these things, which I think is awesome! I’m used to instagram where most people don’t seem to stop and think too much about it :smile: Appreciate the feedback, definitely will keep this in mind!

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Hi everyone,

Here is the “Behind the Scenes” article of this mysterious artwork!

Do check this article written by the artist himself. It describes the process of making the artwork step by step with an insight on environment building in Blender.

Alina Khan
Editor at Blender Nation

I think we all feel your pain :upside_down_face:

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