Hello! I used Subdivide in my mesh. But somehow some faces haven’t been subdivided. Could anyone say why and how to subdivide them? I tried to use the Knife but it didn’t work.
the reason might be, that some of these vertices aren’t connected. But of course that’s just a guess. To be sure it would be great if you could provide you blend file so we can check it out.
If you don’t want to use knife tool, you can also select two vertices in edit mode and hit J → this will also “cut” a face.
Thanks). I sudivided the edges of those faces and then connected the new vertices by using J). It looks like it works)
My guess is that as in your meshes mouth area the faces were already ngons and not quads. Subdividing skips those faces. But might have had different reasons per area. Just fyi, if it happens again.
Thanks). But what is “fyi”?
Sorry, it means “for your information”
Ok. Actually, I realized that Blender does subdivision but it only creates new vertices without connecting them with edges. That’s why I couldnt see the real mesh. So, I simply join all those vertices manually which is not convinient of course.
Select all (vertices mode or press “1”), right click, merge vertices, merge by distance
Should clean it up if of course the distance between certain vertices aren’t too far apart, or too close, if you want to keep them.
Well thats really not the expected behaviour. Just if you had some loose geometry already present before the subdivision then your result is possible. Loose edges can be subdivided, but they normally dont exist in a default (manifold) mesh. I guess you accidently added some in earlier steps.
In this case the vertices will disappear. But I just want to connect them)
By the way. Is it possible to add a new body to an already generated and animated rig? So as nothing breaks in animation.