I am trying to figure out how to create hair on a belt model that I am working on.
I have a large custom Geometry Nodes setup that controls my belt generator. I am trying to add hair to the edges of the belt to add that natural leather edge look.
I’ve customized the Generate Hair Curves node group so I am able to use a Name Attribute to define the geometry to add the hair to. That is functioning well.
When all said and done with my Geo Nodes setup, I am left with curves that have no thickness and no material. I have setup and applied a Hair BSDF for the hair as well.
When I use the unmodified Generate Hair Curves I am left with the same issue, so I am almost certain I did not removed a necessary function of this node group.
From there, you can select the Curves in your Outliner and apply Premade Hair Geometry Nodes as expected with getting thickened hair as the output of the curve instead of strands.
If others know of how to keep the Geometry Nodes system all under the main object, feel free to chime in and correct me. Currently, I believe this process is how it is meant to function.
I will be playing around with this in hopes to develop a way to route attributes from the primary object to the Curves for hair so I don’t have to ping-pong between two objects and their Geometry Node Trees.